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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

went t develop pics ..collected it tdaes.
put it in mine album(:
ii tynk it's nice.
shall take pics nd post it tml or whats ..
found mine baby pic when flippg thru old album.
scan it nd here it is ..
botak me . hahas((:

ii wrote a letter of how ii felt.
ii sent it t him after a dae of hesitation ..
ii dunoes ;ii felt weird; it feels dumb.
sound ridiculous nd stupid of me ..
ii reckond he'l get it on wed or mayb laters.
gosh ii dunoes how t react ;got those feelg dont wanna online ..
DUHs ;c

mine cousin sent me chronicles of narnia.
this hols ii hope ii wont b so bored ..
she gona lend me her fwen's naruto dvd.
she's gona lend bleach for me toos since she said it's nicer.
uh huhs(:
so ii hope mine hols will b occupied.
nd ii dont have t spend yeah ..

uu dont noe how ii feel ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:08 AM

Sunday, February 26, 2006

we were on fone ydae.
it was suppose t be nice but not reali.
ii was quites sad.
ii listend t his voice nd every word seriously.
how ii missd his voice ..
iim alr forgetting that voice.
iim scared.
ii fear that ii will forget what ii rmbrd.
nd esp his voice.
ii dont want t lose this ..
he dont know all this.
he dont know how much he means t me.
how much ii yearn for that assuring hug from him toos.
someone please tell me what t do ..
ii reali miss him alot ....
but iim still glad we got d chance t be on fone.
ii was suppose t give him g0odnite kiss; but ii din.
he kinda sh0ckd me ..
ii wantd t surprise him tdaes.
c0r him nd give him bf0r he sleeps.
but ii dont tynk it's possible..
he's angry nd ii dont know why.
nd rejectd mine call just now ..
iim worried.
ii feel lyk calling him agains laters.
but iim scared that ii'l b too irritating ..
nd that he's still angry at this moment.
ii still cherish every moment.
although we chat everydae; but do uu noe how much ii yearn t see uu ..
despite me being scared toos.
but ii still yearn t see uu..
for seeing uu gives me that security; that assurance that uu r there.
can ii have that hug ..
that makes me feel that uu r there.
ii reali love uu ..


Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:40 AM

Friday, February 24, 2006

went fish nd co. with fongs nd all ydae ..
everything served was SO BIG; so full siah!
plus we each had arnd 2 cups of drink each.
llols ;ii ate sambal fish . it was SO BIG laa
thanks t help of peiis ii managed t finish it.
peiis gave me; f0ngss; nich; sandii; karads each a chopstick nd sp0on.
veh nice yeah ..

ii zi lian-d with mine webcam ;x
exams is OVER!
YAYness :D
finally stress-free man ..
no pr0js; no tests; no assignments nd NO EXAMS :D
fone with him laters(:

mine failed pastry. but sandi said it's 0kay ;

studious :D

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:41 PM

Thursday, February 23, 2006

-wishes c0me true.
-receive l0ads of pressies.
-nj0y ur dae with US!
-stay happy nd take cares yeah ..
oh lastly,
-uu nd him last! (:
mwahss <33
h0pe uu will lyk d pressie iim gona give uu (:

had DCNK paper ydae.
ii couldn't study in bus ..keep feelg nauseous
d paper wasn't hard.
just that secti0nB ii din reali study so cant reali sc0re.
except for d calculations?
nd OMG!
ii calculated some bit thingy WRONGLY!
it's supposed t be 12bits b0rr0wed.
ii tot 4 ;c
aniwae~ lucki other than that
d calculation of subnets nd range part is d same.
so wont b wrong *phew~
(: hehs.

went t0wn with j0celyn after paper t get f0ngss' pressie.
went taka nd plaza sing.
AWW! too bad no j0celyn's SG..
bei wo shuo zong lers; so suay he ner work.
llols ;x
ate taco pachi nd drank bubble tea.
urps, d pearl is SO SMALL!
hard t chew; it's lyk chew le also no diff ;we were lyk practically SWALLOWING d pearls.
so we just finishd d drink nd left d pearls out.
went PS nd get stuffs ..
jocelyn met her boiifwen after thats nd ii went home(:

he said d pressie for fongss is nice nd cutes.
dunoes is fu yan or what.
sijie nd joy said l0ok lyk sweet ..
hahas (x
h0pe f0ngs will lyk it baa!
aniwae ii h0pe d thing iim making will pass! :D

fone with him on fri :D
he's g0t himself a new f0ne ..
gees. that richo ..
still sae wanna buy com for me.
pigu laa .. hahas ;x
imu* (:

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:52 PM

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

had iiso nd oopg tdaes.
ii hope ii pass nd pass WELL! prays*
wed is dcnk ; fri is cmaths.
after that jiu HOLs!!
oopg is quites easy, ii hope ii score.

ii fuckingly dr0pped mine necklace in d s0fa's h0le carelessly.
how irksome is that(- -!
ii tried t dig it from that dirty hole ..but t no avail
EEWWW! wth
ii so l0st it ..
><` it was given t me on mine prom nites!!
mine mum has an exact one . ii hope she stil has it
nd ii hope she gives it t me ;c
T.T how could ii have lost it ..
ii so feel lyk tearg d sofa nd retrieve it backs.
gees ~><

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:04 AM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

went study with imel for 4hours tdaes.
iim not sure if anithing went in ..

he's n0t feelg g0od ..iim worried agains
ii h0pe he's fine.
ii h0pe he w0nt hurt himself; he pr0mised me.
ii h0pe he will cheer up soon.
iim of no help.
iim quites sad for d fact that he doesn't confide in me.
but ii do noe everyone has their privacy..
but it w0rries me.

ii dont lyk takg pics.
iim not me in d pics.
it's deceiving ..
iim not HK or what.
iim fat nd ugly; that's me.
iim happy pepo sae HK nd l0oks thinner.
but iim actuali still as fat.
so ..what siahs?
ii reali dont lyk.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:24 AM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

tdaes ain't a g0od dae.
mine leg hurts lyk f*

ch0cs fr0m f0ngss ; heart fr0m karads.
thanks both of uu (:
went ajisen.
there's peiis; dee; fongss; nich; karads; jj; marc; ritz nd sherng wei.
blah blah..

he is sick.
please take cares nd get well soon..
cos iim so worried bouts uu.
ii dont lyk t see uu lyk that toos ;c
g0od lucks for ur test tml..
ii noe uu can do it d <33
((: JIAYOUs* mine love.
ii miss uu; it seems nothing but iim unsure.
ii still hope uu care.
cos ii reali cant comprehand this kinda one dae nice nd another dae not.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:57 AM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


went m0vie-ing with sandii agains.
xiao hai bu ben 2.
nice nd sad sh0w .. ii cried l0ads man
ii quites lyk mine dressing tdaes ;x
t0ok ne0print :D
shall post it at d end of d post ..

fongss; peiis nd nicole .. ii miss all of uu
we meet up soon yeah.
nic0le; ii still haven pass uu d thing me nd sandii b0ught f0r uu.
shawn; thanks for d fake 3 fl0wers uu gave.
ii did mention uu .. happy maa?

ii still vividly rmbr mine first testimonial from him was on this particular dae.
not onli ONE testimonial, but FOUR(:
ii was so sh0ckd nd happy can.
it was lyk a YEAR ago.
but d difference is .. ii LOVE him now
back then was just a crush.

ii so h0pe uu w0nt b inferi0r.
ii noe uu wont see this .. but it's okayss
boii .. ii reali reali LOVE uu TOO <33 ii reali do
nd ii dont find uu short nd xian qi uu bouts ur studies.
plus uu reali r NOT short nd stupid ..
uu r so studious nd clever t me.
ii dont care if uu r from ITE or whats, it doesn't matter.
dont bring urself down okies ..cos uu r NOT not g0od(:
uu'r sick . get well soon ..
take cares loads <3
iim so l0okg f0rward t fri TOOs
it's been so long since we last chatted on fone.
koh jin an; mine charismatic boii .. ii miss uu loads
ilu* KJA

he said ii very princess here :D nd we two r SWEET! <33

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:58 AM

Monday, February 13, 2006

<33 mwahhs!
boii uu reali made mine nites

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 2:04 AM

Sunday, February 12, 2006

went c0usin's h0use ydae; quites fun yeah ..
plaed with c0usins nd all (:
t0ok s0me pics but ii onli got a few on mine fone.
here it is ..


happy mum nd daughter (:

lennon; mine LOVE(:

iim happy.
happy that he have d th0ught of wantg t c0r me if his br0 ain't using d f0ne ..
n0t askg me t wait c0s he wasn't sure.
he din c0r in d end.
but iim happy enuff he had d th0ughts(:
l0ving him<33

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 4:59 PM

Saturday, February 11, 2006

because ii yearn for your care.
because ii yearn for your attention.
because ii yearn for your c0mpany.
thus it all resulted in mine disappointment when uu failed t do so.
uu aren't obliged t ..ii will n0t f0rce t0os
just let things be d way it sh0uld b yaa..
but ii miss uu, ii reali do.
we aren't reali chattg ..
but ii m reali happy en0ugh that uu initiated d chat again tdaes(:
we are quites backs t square one; d n0t t0kg much peri0d.
every little thing c0unts.
every little thing matters t me.
every w0rd said is still being remembered.
ii reali trust every w0rd uu sae ..
nd ii reali trust that uu w0nt lie t me.
but if uu do, ii w0uldn't noe how t accept d fact.
bcos ii reali dont lyk it that wae ..
uu r 0f imp0rtance t me nd ii d0nt want t l0se uu.
d smiles uu bring ..
d mem0ries ii c0uld reminisce ..
d every lil' thing ..
ii cherish`d.

it suddenli struck me that ii s0unded lyk he is dying!
llols ;x
but it's all what ii felt.
lyk what he said ..
"did your mother tell uu not t listen t girls sweet talk?"
if so ..
uu still gotta believe me, cos mine's NOT!
it's from d bottom of mine BLACKheart<3
BLACKheart yeah.. c0s b0ttomless pit; it's DEEP.
:D so how CUTEs is that! hehs.


Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:18 AM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

ydae was a TOTAL BAD DAE!
wtf can.
studied for dcnk but ii did both qns WRONGLY.
although it was onli a 1o mark test, but still ..
ii doubt ii would get ani marks laa can ;c
nd jap was TOTALLY SUCKY laa.
at first one of d member said she ner send d guy d new script ..
0kays, nermind.
ii edited f0r him nd all ..
then it was we had t hand up 0ur final script, but no one knew.
they din tell me toos.
it was partly mine fault toos, but they shud noe iim always d one hu needs t be informed. ;that, nermind toos.
shigeta-san then said if no final script minus 5marks!
~>< oh wth rytes.
ii was startg t get pek chek alr ..
ii askd d guy t ask d teacher permission t photoc0py d script.
permission granted.
but he onli printed one set!
he said he'l b fine with d old one ..
OKAYs ii trust him.
but he WASN'T alrites !! (- -
oh wtf.
nd adding up t that ii was reminded of mine DCNK test.

tdaes was better by ABITs baa.
was rushg nmm pr0j .. we din eat ani meal tdaes
every0ne was shaggd outs; late nites / sleepless nites ..
ii kept feelg stomach ache nowadays nd ii dont know why!
it was TOTALLY sucky ..
was d FIRST t present for nmm.
tot it would b BAD, but NOT.
it was still alrites(:
nd ii was kind of glad that ii was d first cos most of d pepo ain't in d lab yets.
HOHOs ;x
nd ii got backs mine NMM test.
ii got 43.5/6o UNEXPECTEDLY :D
this is SO GREAT ..
oh yahs, din hand up mine assignment package YETs.
cos ii din bring mine past proposal(- -
WOOBS was nice enuff t let me hand in tml :D
nd ME; sijie; yvo; hanhaw; wilson got a swensens treat from JOY.
ROFL ..she passed her NMM!
that was our bet :P
lala! haa ..
but it's a g0od thing she passed t0os(:

we have NO MORE assignments alr!!
nd after tml is HAVOC for weekends then need t study alr.
tml still have cmaths test ..
which is not that bad cos ii kind of noe how t do.
hehes :P

b0ii's c0m was d0wn ydae.
ii miss him yeah! (:

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:27 PM

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

while iim printg mine jap roleplay script, ii shall blog.
tdaes is presentation of IISO.
wore FORMAL t sk0ol; l0ng sleeve . pants . heels
omg can .. l0ok so Fugly laa
cabbd t sk0ol as ii was d 0ne bringing d BIG m0del ;IISO presentation was alrights.
ariel rocks can .. she so lh siahs :D
t0ok l0ads uf pictures.
so uu can expect t be fl0oded with l0ads of pictures (:

nd that's mine gr0up members. ME; sijie; j0y; li chuan nd ariel

nd lastly, that's OUR MODEL :D cheerios*

he inititated t chat with me.
iim happy, realli.
veh easily c0ntented .. YUPs
he shared with me his past.
ii dont reali mind nd iim happy he's willing t share.
ii m still not forgetting bouts d pic nd ii dont know why.
ii m utterly sad bouts it . but ii cant do anithing
PLEASE let me forget.. ii will try mine best.
boii, iiLOVEuu.
but ii noe uu wont see this .. so it's g0od in a way t0os
ii miss d daes we used t sms in d morn nd it totally made mine dae.
ii miss d daes we t0kd on d phone till late nites or even morn.
ii miss d daes we din sleep nd on fone, going t sk0ol d next m0rn.
ii miss d m0ments we spent.
ii would always b smiling t mineself with all d LAMEjokes we crackd.
ii dont lyk chattg with uu online cos ii feel so near yet so far.
but it's d onli wae ii could tok t uu.
d onli wae ii could noe how uu r doing ..now
how much ii yearn just ani sms from uu.
but ii noe it ain't possible, moreover ur fone is spoilt.
ii miss uu loads but ii cant tell uu.
iim behaving lyk a TOTAL f0ol now by saeing all these.
but ii reali DO miss nd love uu loads.
let me try t be independent someh0w cos ii noe ii shudn't b so dependent on uu.
but on d other hand ii still need uu.
contradictory lies . just go with d fl0w..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:29 AM

Monday, February 06, 2006

what/who is your favorite:
1. person - family; b0ii; slacker`s; jocelyn; jiafeii; sijie
2. drink: jasmine green tea; ice milk tea; h0mey lemon; etc
3. song: nice songs
4. food: LOADs (:
5. thing to do all day: online; chattg on fone; sms; tv-ing
6. late-night activity: online; on fone; sms.
7. number: 14; o8; 12; 3o

When was the last time you:
8. cried: just now.
9. laughed: not long ago ..
10. hugged someone: nopes.
11. slept with someone special: nahs
12. felt depressed: now ..
13. felt overworked: N O W
14. lied: a few daes ago ..

What was/were the last:
15. words you said: buhbyes t jocelyn.
17. song you listened to: Dreamz FM - Bu Zhi De
18. thing you drank: plain ice water
19. place you went to: home sweet home.
20. movie you saw: king kong.
21. movie you rented: none.

Who was the last person you:
22. hugged: no one.
23. cried over: boii
24. kissed: none.
25. shared a secret with: nopes.
26. had a sleepover with: no idea ..
27. called: cant remeber
28. went to a movie with: sandii ..
29. saw: no one.
30. were angry with: no one.
31. missed: him nd always him<33

Have you ever:
33. danced in the rain: nahs.
34. gone to someplace special with someone special: nopes
35. done drugs: NEVER
36. partied 'til the sun came up: yes?
37. gone out with someone special: met up only.
38. had lunch with someone special: not yets

My life:
39. name: adelin
40. relationship status: single but complicated
41. nationality: singaporean
42. occupation: student

Play :
43. i'm feeling: tired ; confused ; sad ; stressd
44. i'm listening to: d wind blowing ..
45. i'm doing: this survey
46. i'm thinking of: l0ads of pr0js nd him*

47. love: him nd cherish`d
48. in love: with him
49. my current love: kja? llols :D
50. best love song: loads.
51. isit possible to be in love w more than one person at the same time: NOPEs
52. is there such thing as love @ first sight: no idea
53. wat r u doing : this survey
54. wat song r u listening to now: none.
55. wat color of shirt r u wearing: white
56. wat is d brand of the shirt: panic productively
57. where r u now: in mine room
58. wat r u thinking now: how aslp he is ..

Picky picky:
59. dog or cat : dogs
60. sunshine or rain: BOTH at d right tym
61. hugs or kisses: definately BOTH :D
62. summer or winter: ii love both too.
63. playstation or nintendo: ani where there'r fun games!
64. car or motorcycle: car
65. house party or club: house
66. sing or dance: sing ^^
67. where do u cut ur hair: mine hse area or kimage.
68. what is the brand of ur bag: converse
69. what is the brand of ur wallet now: guess
70. what is the brand of ur sandal: xcessories
71. what is ur favorite brand of clothes: none.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:42 AM

Sunday, February 05, 2006

ii fergot t mention.
ii saw alex mei that dae ..
he stil l0oks hk t me.

a pic taken by mine webcam, n0t that bad yeah? (:

had steamb0at f0r dinner ydae.
but it was FATTENING!
;\ urps.
went 0uts arnd 8+ nd met up with f0ngss nd dee at PS.
we pr0ceeded t paradiz ..
met up with d guys nd went t kb0x.
this is d first tym ii g0 kb0x till so lates ehhs ..
we sang from 9+ or 1o till 4.
6+ h0urs ehh ..LH baaa
llols ;x
kaisheng; jake nd jeremy damn joker laa ..
quite fun(:

he din c0r.
ii was expectg his c0r ..expectg him t be w0rried
but he din c0r; quites upset th0ugh ..
c0rd him while ii was cabbg home but he was aslp alr.
keep askg hu m ii ..
ii just said nermind, uu go slp nd buais.
d image of him nd her d pic keep fl0atg in mine head in kb0x.
ii canots f0rget T.T
ii dont know h0w ..

sijie b str0ng 0kayss ..
ii n0e it's hard.
<33 uu

it's still YOU* ii yearn f0r ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:30 PM

Saturday, February 04, 2006

din have sk0ol ydae.
met up with joy; sijie; lichuan nd ariel at tpy.
ate at mos burger nd saw marcus (- -
nermind b0uts it ..
just t0ld them he l0ok lyk w0obs(nmm lecturer)
went p0pular t buy stuffs needed.
pr0ceeded t mine h0use at arnd 3+?
started d0ing 0ur pr0j f0r iiso .
haven finish d0ing yets..
m0n's d presentation for it.
nd d VERY WORST thing is we need t wear f0rmal ;ii tynk ii l0ok lyk a TOTAL idiot can.

met up with sandii at tpy interchange.
went SIMLIM :D
ii b0ught mine webcam alr.
it's philips d.
39bucks with a mic on d stand ..
n0t bad laa ..it's clear nd all ~
webcam-d with sijie; j0y; b0ii; j0anne; sandii ..
STUPIDsandii went t screensh0t(- -
that was ugly of ME! ;c

tdae's MASS kb0x dae.
shud ii go?
ii cant decide ~><
cos ii have iiso t finish nd kb0x's quite expensive ehhs.
;but ii miss all those plaeing nd singing with them ..
nd ii esp miss peiis nd fongss.
nermind, shall see bouts it.

iim stil n0t f0rgetting d matter.
ii want t, but ii dunoes how.
hu'd expect things t turn out this wae ..
ii still l0ve uu, ii do.
it shall b f0rg0tten soon.
ii still yearn m0vie-ing with uu ..
so many things, ii dont have an answer.
ii dunoes.
all ii noe is, ii will not do that with uu if given a chance.
uu shud noe, that's sensitive.
esp f0r me t her.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:22 PM

Thursday, February 02, 2006

it was a sharp stab in mine heart when ii saw d pic.
mine mind went TOTALLY BLANK;
ii started shivering ..
ii had t experience this feelg once again.
it was hell.
ii couldn't cry ..tears wouldn't come
ii wasn't in d right state of mind.
ii was in a daze.
mine m0od was TOTAL bad.
no one could help cos it was so real.
right there IN MINE FACE.
ii manage t slp on d sofa with d tv on ..
ii decided t go t bed nd slp; but ii couldn't.
he was online nd ii got mine explanation.
dont ask my why . but ii trust him
call me dumb ; stupid ; naive.
but ii trust him..
if it's only hurt that ii get, then ii deserve it.
ii dont want pepo t condemn him.
as an outsider's view, they are only seeing d surface.
ii noe it's ridiculous sometimes .. but ii ch0ose t trust him
ii trust that he wont lie t me.
ii trust that he is real.

got back cmaths test.
ii PASSd! omg(- -
d test ii mentioned ii reck0nd ii'l onli score at MOST 1o when d paper is upon 2o?
that is d one.
ii scored 11/2o!!
more than ii expected! nd d thing is ii PASS :D
yeahs, kinda happy.
me nd joy keep congratulating each other ;HURs
aniwae year1 is endg soon ..
ii hope ii reali pass nd hope can pass well.
ii wanna b in d same class as joy.
ii reali hope yeah ..

ii bought formal tdaes.
ii bought top nd heels.
left bottom; pants? yeah ;ii wanna buy webcam tml!
went t j8 nd see ..
but ii wanna get one arnd 3o+?
GOOD nd CHEAP please.
yeahs ..
ii wanna webcam with him ; joy ; sijie ; sandi ; nicole ; EVERYONE!

tml no skool.
doing iiso proj in mine hse(:
meetg sandi after her class <33
simlim(webcam) here ii COME!!

ii will b fine .. dont worry

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:01 PM