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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

while iim on fone with him ii shall blog ..
he's been plaeing game game game game these few daes.
SHOU BU LIAOs siahh .. damn crazy(- -
so obssesd lyk last time.

tdaes is a fuckd up dae laa can ..
ii c0uldn't reali get t slp after wakie in d m0rn t wish him luckies f0r his exam tdaes.
nermind b0uts that ..
d guy t repair d ph0ne line was here tdaes, earli MORN.
he was so FUCKd UP! @$&$#@
tellg me t take chairs nd all .. nevermind
ii c0rd mine mum t ask d maid backs ..
then mine mum askd me t takes 0ut d line fr0m mine br0 r0om,
but in d end n0 need le ..
s0 need t put backs t test d f0ne line.
then he was at there wantg t use d f0ne ..
nd he said "aiyo .. y so slow, faster. so hot" nd stuff.
d w0rst thing is he repeatd it fuckg many times!!
mine maid then on d fan ..
^%!@#$^&% GRR~
fuck fuck fuck fuck! so angry with him can(- -
nites when wanna use f0ne mine mum said d f0ne also spoil.
there's 4 extensi0n but 0nli 0ne w0rkg,
but n0w d 0nli w0rkg one is SPOILT!
gees ~><

bathed with c0ld water tdaes ..
damn c0ld sia(- -
c0s there's n0 water supply f0r mine bl0ck.
damn d fire sia .. make pepo so mafan
n0w need t take water fr0m s0mewhere, ii dunoes where th0ugh ;x
c0s d maid has been d0ing all d fetchg of water .. HURs
aniwae bathing with c0ld water just sucks l0hhs ;gees.

thurs meetg up with f0ngss; peiis; sandii nd nic0le.
sat jiafeii c0ming mine h0use nd make c0okies ..
fri need t find pepo t acc0mpany me 0uts, ani v0lunteers?
c0s there's n0 electricity at h0me ..
gees, HOW MAFAN(._.x
blah blah ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 2:52 AM

Monday, March 27, 2006

had dinner outs tdaes with mine family ..
we went swensens(:
f0od was nice nd all ..
had black pepper spaghetti nd fr0sted ch0colate malt.

mine br0's fwen c0rd nd said mine bl0ck s0me unit caught fire.
blah blah nd all ..
d wh0le bl0ck had n0 electricity.
every0ne was d0wnstairs nd n0t all0wed t be in d bl0ck.
they barricade d wh0le bl0ck.
lucki wasn't h0me that tym ..
but when ii reachd we still c0uld n0t g0 backs h0me ..
ii waitd f0r lyk h0urs(- -
oh g0d.
when ii c0rd him he just plaed his A3; whatever.
mine br0 t0ok s0me pictures ..

pitch dark.

fire engine.


every0ne listeng t de p0liceman.

they gave 0ut water; h0t milo; bread nd stuffs f0r pepo.

we had t climb stairs back; imagine mine h0use at 14st0rey!(- -

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:41 AM

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

been on fone with him d past few daes ..
ii l0ve this kinda daes, seriously.
we'r back in the g0od days agains.
webcam-d with him ydae nd he said;
xXx[ ±«¤^*[S: btw u wear black shirt veri attractive
nd a few stuffs which made me happy(:

sleepg at 5 nd wakie at 8+ ..
ii dunoes why mine stomach hurts nd ii cant sleep ;mine parents went thai nd ii din noe until mine mum cord back.
ii knew they were going but ii just fergot d date ;x
din go outs these few daes cos dunoes what t do also.

ii have 3 kb0x v0uchers but have no time t use ehhs ..
h0pe d guys or peiis organise kb0x so we w0uld b able t use.
cant b used during weekends or public h0ls th0ugh ..
or ani0ne wh0 wants t go kb0x with me?
haa ..
reminds me that iim intr0duced t kianh0ng's gf by him as kb0x kaki.
made me laugh nd surprised, ll0ls.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:50 PM

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

brought shawn t kimage for a haircut.
gees ;d stylist he wantd was not there..
he b0okd d app0intment with an0ther stylist.
made me wait lyk hell ..
0kayss he said s0me butch was r0ugh when washg his hair, haa.
b0ught fam0us c0okies for laters in m0vie.

met up with j0y at PS(:
ii was earli!
while waitg f0r j0y ii saw cha0po nd d girlfriend, HAOKAN(:
b0ught tickets nd went ajisen f0r dinner.
that was mine onli meal ..
ii ate v0lcano ramen *YUMMY!
j0y had t0m yam 0ne ..
we plaed arcade . j0y plaed DDR al0ne! ll0ls ;x
we plaed dayt0na twice; each w0n 0nce.
went take ne0print; sh0p.
ii saw xuan zhen; chin meng nd l0w de, so qiao.
said hi nd went off laa ;

pr0ceeded t m0vies ..
there was this c0uple where d guy was sittg 0n 0ur place laa.
OLD c0uple, f0r ur info.
nd that AUNTIE's plastic bag was 0ccupying one of their seat.
they occupied 3 damn seats ..
so ii askd what was their seat,
nd they said 1o, 11 .. ours was 8 nd 9
then that AUNTIE said anih0w sit l0h, n0 pepo.
ok so we anih0w sit, RELUCTANTLY(- -
damn that AUNTIE can.
finally pepo walkd in then someone askd,
the AUNTIE was finally willing t m0ve makg me nd j0y so pissd.
paiseh can(- - irks0me her!
we watchd 'the sh0e fairy' ..
please DO NOT go watch can .. waste time nd m0ney ><~
what a suay day ..
after m0vie went b0ught ear stud nd back h0me.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:20 AM

Sunday, March 19, 2006

alrites ii shall blog.
thanks ahh nicole nd sijie .. hahas XD

ydae went nirezh's h0use f0r his bdae celebration, kinda WEIRD.
it was at r0oft0p ..
ii t0t there was stairs f0r us t climb up(- -
instead we had t climb some ladder thingy nd it's pitch dark there.
so d guys prepared luminous sticks for us, h0w nice(:
they also had candles on d stairway .. veh cutes ehh
as usual d guys served us laa ..
jeremy gave us f0od nd kaii gave us drinks.
bacardi breezer it was(: NICE*
siewf0ng alr d0wnd tw0 bf0r we came sia ..
ii met up with kaii`s sister(sarina) nd grace t go.
peiis nd sandi reachd arnd 11?
f0ngss went 0ff at 11:3o+ baa.
we slackd arnd chattg nd all ..
quite nice laa, but abit b0ring.
but if can lie nd l0ok at d sky it's DAMN nice(:
we didn't t0n in d end ..
sandii, peiis nd sarina got work, grace had t go.
cut cakes nd plaed .. so CUTEs(:
just l0ve hanging out around with them ..
sure have loads of fun nd laughter d.
yihuai; jeremy; ian; kianh0ng nd all as usual damn j0ker :D
din expect t see cha0po ; wilmer ; marcus nd tristan!
but was happy they are there ..
so l0ng ner see them le can! (x
p0or chao po keep kena pinch or punch in d st0mach by me .. haa
kianh0ng's girlfwen, CHIO!(:

dumb sandii didn't bring d naruto dvd ii wanted(- -
decided t go with her nd she pass me d dvd nd ii go home.
peiis, sarina nd marcus shared cab.
me, guisheng nd sandi shared one ..
cab fare was 15bucks.
d uncle was SO LAME can(- -
me nd guisheng was lyk so relieved we weren't d ones sittg in front.
keep crappg until so PENG siahs .. sbl
went h0me with unbearable headache siahs.
ii onli drank 2bacardi nd a can of beer .. ;what a l0usy drinker laa.

he* was unhappy/w0rried b0uts me c0s ii drank.
iim s0 s0wii made uu w0rry ahhs ..
ydae give me those attitude siahs(- -
hang d0wn mine f0ne so many times nd deny uu angry with me c0s ii drank
thanks(: ii n0e uu care ..
in d end sent me message,
said s0wii c0s he w0rried nd s0wii f0r d attitude.
but ii was happy laa, cos at least he cared(:
soDUMB, hehs.

n0w f0r pictures(x

the ball0on which ii put a light stick in XD

nirezh; yihuai cuttg the cake

these r the guys(x

b0ttles ii br0ught backs f0r joanne.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 4:49 PM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

sowii hadn't been blogging.
was naruto-ing uu see ..
now at episode 1o1 but mine cousin's fwen dvd onli til 125.
how how how ;finishg soon means ii must find other things t do ..
sat's nirezh bdae, dunoes wanna ton nots.
till then ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 9:27 PM

Sunday, March 12, 2006

oh yah . ii fergot bouts mine results
it's not veh g0od th0ugh ..

Networked Multimedia(NMM): B
Data Communications and Networking(DCNK): C
Internet and Information Systems in Organisations(IISO): B
Object-Oriented Programming(OOPG): A
Computing Mathematics 2(CMATHS2): C+
Introduction to Language & Culture (Japanese): C

ii still feel mine storyb0ok is nice.
can go b0rr0w yaa ..
tina reilly; wish upon a star.

ii love him t bits; really. <33

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:24 AM

Saturday, March 11, 2006

this is mine new shoes(:
nike air force I that is ..
went outs with sarina t get it, surprisingly.
went fareast then queensway.
met with peiis nd dee then ..
g0t 0ur things nd went ikea
they ate h0tdog bun nd a drink; NICE.

r0tted at h0me f0r d wh0le dae tdaes.
watch LOADs of tv sh0ws ..
westlife rocks nd ii simply love them(:
yes .. shane ; kian ; nicky ; mark!
there's this taiwan music awards but partII's tml ;gona watch partI laters at 11pm ..
st0ppd readg mine b0ok f0r bl0gging.
iim alr at page 18o .. YUPs(:
tml g0ing j0gging with jiafeii.
meetg mine c0usin f0r dvd of naruto.
uu d0nt n0e h0w happy ii m ..
cos ii dont have t w0rry what t do at home or at nites when b0red.
naruto can just occupy mine ROTTg tym ..

there's chalet on tues ..not sure if going ;next sat is nirezh's bdae.
it's an overnite thingy .. n0t sure t0os
ii tynk shud b g0ing baa.
will we get drunk?



Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 9:12 PM

Thursday, March 09, 2006

r0tted at h0me agains tdae.
read mine storyb0ok nd ate chips nd c0okies.
ii swear iim so gona get fatter when iim alr so FAT
DUHs(- -
aniwae iim alr at page5o which t me is quites LH alr.
all thanks t being bored nd nothing t do at home ;

t mine surprise he sent me an sms(:
he msgd me in msn saeing sorry cos he fell aslp
then he sae tot ii still angry cos he send me sms ii din reply.
wasn't angry but was quite upset laa ..
but since he fell aslp so nermind.
ii was tynkg, "uu noe how it feels when pepo dont reply uu"
ii noe it's bad of me but ii reali felt that ..
but ii was happy toos, cos he will get worried.
aniwae d fact that he sent an sms just made me feel happy alr(:
ii feel iim so irksome, just this small thing can make me happy.

fongss went t m'sia, peiis nd dee is workg.
finally see sandi tag me sia.
dunoes how many decades ner hear bouts her or meet her le.
miss them all yeahh .. all of them r lyk so busii
slacker`s!! meet outs when fongss is backies okies(:
some kbox or movie or eatg ..

oh god.
just realise tml will b getting backs results ..
now iim reali having butterflies in mine stomach
ughs ~><
PLEASE pray that ii pass ..nd mine fwens TOOs
nd that me; sijie nd joy in d same class!!
* P R A Y S - H A R D *

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:01 PM

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

after much hesitation .. ii c0rd him
n0t surpised, he was reali gaming.
ii askd him f0r c0mpanion.
he said he saw mine messages but his hands were too busi t reply
yes nd ii wasn't surprised toos.
compared t his only entertainment, he cant afford t lose.
yet ii was happy enough that he talkd t me.
we only chattd for 2omins nd hangd up ..
ii tynk iim crazy.
ii tynk iim mad.
ii tynk iim insane.
why would ii yearn for someone so much..
NOPEs, t be exact ..
why would ii yearn for HIM* so much.
t0kg t him makes me feel d situation ain't what ii tot it was.
but then agains, hu noes what he's tynkg nd what's happeng ..
ii just want his companion nd assurance that he's there.
just so lil' that ii ask for ..
nd agains, such a trivial thing, it's hard t achieve sometimes.
afterall ..
it's all bcos HE is who ii love<33

are you aware of how much you complicate me?
and are you aware your words suffocate me ..
uu know ; uu don't know ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:20 PM

hols is boring nd certainly torturing me .. sk0ol is no betta.
wantd t buy a game t pass time but it was far too expensive;
ii bought a book instead.
b0ught chips ; ch0cs ; fam0us am0s c0okies ..
fattening but certainly YUMMY*
but one thing for sure, iim not xing fu th0ugh.

ii could not stop mineself from tynkg bouts him.
seeing him online but ii dunoes what t sae t him ..
ended up he went offline.
ii reck0nd he has g0ne t plae his games.
ii c0uldn't help sms-ing him ..
this is so worst.
ii want t be nonchalant but ii noe ii cant.
ii dont want things t turn out bad, reali dont want.
this is reali killg me for fuck sake.
hais ;_;
even when readg d b0ok mine mind is so filld with him.
what can ii do ..
all ii can sae is ii reali miss him.
all these is driving me crazy.
ii fear of losing him nd ii reali do ..
that thing that joanne told me bouts when he dont lyk her he started t reply lates nd dont tok t her.
how much ii fear this will happen.
oh fuck it!
sigh ..
but if this reali happens what can ii do.
iim so fuckg paranoid nd so worried ..
would someone just kill me for ii dont have d courage t die.
why is all this happening ..
without uu ii dont noe what m ii doing online.
uu wont even see this.
so m ii gona tell uu everything in letter agains?
make me lyk a desporado.
but for once ii tynk iim so desperate ..
ii dont wanna dwell in this kinda situation.
ii find no assurance.
ii just want YOU*
ii wish uu knew how much ii need nd want uu
nd that uu do something abouts it ..
but then again,
bet uu r feelg fuckg irritated by this too ..

ii dont even have the fuckg mood t do anithing

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 9:49 PM

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

the rules:
the tagged victims list 8 different points of their perferct lover/ partner,
mentioning the gender of the partner.
tag 8 victims to join in this game n leave a comment on the post letting them know that they've been tagged.
if tagged b4, no need to contribute..

ii, of cos, ain't lesbian.
ii like GUYs! llols ;x
8 p0ints of mine perfect l0ver/partner w0uld b ..
- it certainly must be 0ne wh0m ii l0ve<33
- able t accept me f0r hu ii m ..(being unreasonable at tyms, etc)
- 0ne hu w0uld pr0udly introduce me, as a girlfriend, t his fwens(:
- b who he is nd n0t act lyk s0me NICE guy in fr0nt of me.
- bring *smiles t mine life nd assure me that ii'l b fine as long as he's around
- s0meone ii trust nd that he trusts me TOOs(:
- willing t tell me what's happening around him on his own accord.
- can ii sae that's HIM? llols ;x despite all .. he just is mine mr.perfect nd ideal dream guy<33 (:

8 victims ch0sen w0uld b ..
as f0r d last two.. cant tynk of anim0re alr ;x nermind laa~ HUR

this was d gift for nicole(:

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:57 PM

went t town with imel ydae.
ii dint get anithing(- -
there wasn't ani nice bags available in town, WHY!
;ii didn't buy d short cos there were too many pepo.
wanted t get ear piece from BEST in PS, but t no avail.
lyk qnmrk rytes?
they'r supposed t have it nors ;nermind .. llols
so ii went home empty handed just lyk how when ii got outs.

later on meetg fongss; kaii nd nicole for lunch(:
ii tynk eatg mos.
ii ate mos lyk ydae!! hahas ;x
not sure if going town anots ..
ii wanna get nike dunk.
saw a few nice ones ydae but din reali l0ok at it laa ;if mine mum transfers me d money,
ii'd either go with nicole or ask jocelyn.
ii dont know ..
oh yah . gona pass nicole her pressie from me nd sandii
it was lyk decades ago since we bought it laa?
hahas ;x
will upload a pic of it laters.
it's CUTEs!
seems lyk hello kitty head but NOT; it's furry nd PINK(:

.nike dunk(best if it's limited edition ;x)
.sling bag(preferably addias; nike nd ii dunoes how t spell it. le coqs? dunoes laa ;\)
.ear piece
d last two not that impt laa ;x hahas

sijie; hahas. miss uu TOOs(: ask me nd joy outs laa uu, DUMB ;x

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:35 PM

Sunday, March 05, 2006

o4 March`2oo6

went for brunch at vienna at united square..
with grandparents; parents; siblings nd br0's gf.
food was nice ..but ii din eat much
it was buffet.
mine bro kept eatg d choc with marshmallow ..
it was nice yaa(:

mine mum is tryg t starve me.
ii noe morn/afternoon that meal was abit full,
but iim hungry at nites! ;she refused t buy f0od for me when she went market for dinner.
how unfair is that ..
lyk she didn't eat alot in d afternoon ..
nd ii swear ii ate d least(- -

o5 March`2oo6

went outs t dinner with family nd relatives.
peach garden was d restuarant's name.
NICE food; yummy*
esp d dessert .. black glutinous rice w ICEcream in young coconut
just seeing d name uu noe it's nice.
too bad ii fergot t take a pic of it ..
but ii t0ok al0t uf pics of mine CUTIE cousin.
he's SO CUTes.
with that jacket; lyk jay.
hahas (x

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:23 PM

Thursday, March 02, 2006

he received mine letter.
iim so PAISEH ~><
he keep laughing at me ;c
must b cos of d letter .. then sae wanna on fone tdaes
on fone with him now.
he's plaeing GAME; forever d.
urps, but iim happy enough.

mine brother has sickening fwens.
always taking his fone nd msg me ..
TRYg t be farni . ughs
so irritating lo ..CHILDISH!

r0ttd at home for d whole dae.
watchd full house .. ii cried again
it's DAMN sad laa.
its still as nice(:
rain's CUTEs; but jay's better.
aniwae ii tynk r0ttg at home agains tml ..
haven watch mine chr0nicles of narnia . shall watch tml

ii hurt mine face.
it HURTs lyk f*
ii hope there's no scar

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:53 AM