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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

g0t back mine CDS art piece.
got a D like agains .. hurs
but at least ii pass baa

had DBSY lab tdaes.
suppose t create function nd procedure ..
am onli able t create function successfully
there's c0mpilation errors for procedure.
ii h0pe ii can pass ; at least a D ;/

seems like ii dont really kn0w mine sch0ol stuffs well
have n0t been regularly g0ing t sch0ol ..
ii dont kn0w what's wrong(._."

ii miss him T.T

saw people readg naruto manga on bus tdaes,
s0me guy in IT sch0ol wearing a shirt with d UCHIHA CLAN fan bhind.
like so COOL nd CUTEs

s0mething simple ; ii wish f0r.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:09 PM

Sunday, May 28, 2006

iim happy that despite sch0ol started we are still in contact.
ii seriously treasure the times during fri nd sat night when those are the only times ii have with him on phone.
chattg in msn is just RARE.
sometimes ii just cant wait for mine bdae t come
ii wish it would be a dae with him ; nd mine fwens(:
but how possible is that, HURs.

watchd MTV ASIA AWARDs while on phone with him ydae.
nd best singer for SINGAPORE is actuali TAUFIK BATISAH laa ;/
he beat AH DU ; SUN YAN ZI ; JJ ; nd others ii didnt get t see.
so DIAO(- -
ii w0nder his supporters voted how much for him
outta mine expectation that he would win man ..

feel so glad nd honoured after readg nicole's post
it's important t be nice ..
nd certainly nice t be important(:
seri0usly, friends are people uu w0uldn't wanna l0se in a life.
they are far too important ; just like family members.
ii cant wait f0r sch0ol holidays.
ii cant wait t go TANNING.
ii cant wait t meet nicole nd BABYen xi :D
l0ads of things ii wanna do .. hurs
TIME is NEVER ENOUGH when iim nj0ying(x

did mine CDS h0mew0rk tdaes ; ii painted mine drawg.
it's HEN CHOU(ugly) =.-x
inc0mplete still ; two more boxes ii cant think of what t draw

iim glad ii get al0ng well with mine classmates(:
except for one ; total PAI CHI.
ii d0nt wanna menti0n names but ii feel it's quite obvious.
aniwae other than that person, ii feel mine class pepo r quite nice(:
li chuan ; siew ping ; jiefang ; junie ; sharon ; madeline ; melvin ; jared ; ian ; lin bin ; malay guy ; shan rong ; jing ying ; phoebe ... etc?
not close or never reali talk with the others(:

exams coming up ; loads of assignments ..
can this be over FAST?

iim so in l0ve, so in l0ve with uu(:
when ii think of uu ; ii dont know what t do.. when will ii see uu again?
ii miss uu like crazy ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:09 PM

Saturday, May 27, 2006

l0ng wait at d p0lyclinic .. llols XD


ii can put d stud in .. d t0p c0uldn't have been pierced ; ii was b0rn with it!

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:20 AM

Friday, May 26, 2006

br0wsed thru s0me pics just n0w.
nd ii came acr0ss 0ne that reminded me that mine fwen tried t take d pic 0f 0ur COLOUR nd COMPO teacher's BUTT!
ii always have fun laughing with them(x
there's h0mew0rk f0r CDS this week.
nd assignment toos ..
all d assignments r 0uts man ><`
n0t t f0rget ; exams r near!

went grandma h0use f0r dinner on thurs.
c0usin was super cutes XD
didn't g0 t sk0ol tdaes.
was tired nd g0ing t sk0ol for an h0ur just d0nt make sense.
especially when it's 8 - 9AM
d0ne d0wnloading bleach like FINALLY.
watchd naruto just now nd it was OK LA(- -

went p0lyclinic t take MC f0r tdaes XD
mine mum dun0es ii p0n sk0ol ;X
it's true when uu gain s0mething ; uu l0se s0mething.
l0ng wait bf0r getting t see d d0ctor at p0ly clinic, d c0nsultant fee nd medicine onli c0st me 5bucks(:
cheap ain't.
ii went f0r mine family d0ctor that time t see mine leg cramp nd it c0st lyk 24bucks laa ;/

ii have l0ads of things ii wanna get man
but ii have NO MONEY.
GEES ><`
ii need t S A V E U P!

jiefang nd qianting :D

mine c0usin drew this nd askd me what's this. guess what? ii said "ALIEN" nd ii was RIGHT! hahas XD


muahahas :D

z i - l i a n

nice song! :D

Christian Wunderlich - So In Love
All alone on a nighttrain
Like a stranger on a sinking ship
Will i ever know the secret to your heart

Do you care, am i dreaming
When i reach for you is that burning flame
Just inside of me are we a world apart

Chorus :
I'm so in love, so in love with you
I'm so in love, if you only knew
I'm so in love, i'll never be the same
Cause i'm so in love, i'm so in love with you

Should i dare to entice you
Will a touch of your fingertips, take my heart again
You know it's been so long

Is it wrong how i want you
When it feels so right being close and
Who is to tell me now that all's been said and done


You, you never understood
And you were gone when our love felt so good
You unchain my heart and set me free
Or tell me that you're gonna be with me

[chorus] x 3

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:13 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

went f0r en xi's full m0nth celebrati0n.
as expected, kaii didn't go.
aniwae aniwae,
en xi is SO CUTEs :D
nic0le is THIN.
wanc0ng nd f0ngss is cutes tgether laa ..

thanks guys ..
j0yy ; eliza ; sijie ; ariel ; peiis ; sandii nd nicole.
am abit perturbd th0ugh
aniwae it's just xiaomeimei who just d0nt grow up.
irks me t de max yeahh ..
well .. WHATEVER`
cos ii hate xiaomeimei especially giving me d th0ught of her.
pard0n me but ii reali do.
aniwae reali thanks f0r being there(:

t an0nym0us1 .. seri0usly ii d0nt get what uu r tryg t sae
but if uu mean n0 harm, thanks for ur c0mment(:

baby en xi :D

mummy nd baby .. sowii it's BLUR ;/

wc-kia nd f0ngs with en xi. kinda l0oks lyk *ahem .. haa XD

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:41 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

went kianh0ng's chalet ydae.
it's always nice with mine sec sk0ol clique XD
l0ads of laughter; n0 fail.
jeremy is funny, keep getting jectd by me ; jiafeii ; manda nd jess.
kianh0ng's gf is pretty nd cutes(x
ii like her eyes nd her v0ice is so DOLL!
we had HAAGENDAZZ ice cream cake
c0sts 2oo+ .. we were j0king b0uts one mouth is lyk 5ocents.
haa XD
cabbd h0me with f0ngss.

we went manhattan nd kb0x tdaes.
ii helpd sandii make up nd peiis t put on mascara.
LOADs nd LOADs of fun f0r us XD
saw nich's gf like finally.
been so long since we went kb0x(x
ii just l0ve hanging 0ut with uu guys.

en xi full m0nth celebrati0n tml ..
this week is just SO PACKd.
went 0ut like 5daes outta 7 .. HURs
but all was nj0yable, aren't they :D

ice cream fr0m IT sch0ol. it's n0t veh nice, HUR`

pizza 0n wed ; meetg with sandii, peiis, karad, nich, f0ngs, grace(:

sandi is irks0me. ><`

b0red in lecture ;/ llols

zi-lian t de MAX ; takg pic even when d lecturer is teachg.

ii swear these was taken in between lectures(x

ii <3 her

that's sandii nd nich :D

adels ; sandii ; j0celyn

h0w candid is that ..

me nd her(:

suddenli struck me nd ii n0e y this is in d girls' t0ilet; mum will bring their kid(b0ii) in nd so they get t use nd w0nt dirty the t0ilet b0wl. HUR

shawn p0lluted mine f0ne! LOLs ;X

nich ; jj ; karads .. HAOKAN(x

seaf0od ch0wder .. abit tasteless

sandii wth her cake(: iiLOVEher

jj ; this is SO candid :D

me nd sandii XD

karads nd peiis

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:54 PM

Monday, May 15, 2006

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:18 AM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

studying this week was not bad(:
ii did DBSY nd OPSY d notes ..
bought new shampoo nd it smell nice(:
ydae mine cousin stayed over at mine h0use.
he slept with me nd ii didn't reali sleep well ><`
was n0t s0und asleep all d time baa .. hurs
but he's cutes so nevermind XD

ii l0ve d times when he's with me.
n0t that he is reali by mine side, ii mean on fone.
ii just nj0y mine times talking t him(:
we can crap lyk there's no tomorrow.
always making me laugh n0t failing t kit/di siao me t0os ;/
an0ther week bf0r ii can tok t him agains.
he's quit his game, so mayb can stil chat online
but ii tynk weekdaes iim too shagged t reali concentrate?
ii still wish for weekends <3!

tml's wanyee's bdae.
tues suppose t go outs with her ; peiis ; manda ; prise ; sandi?
but p0stp0ned.
fri there's chalet ; kian h0ng's bdae(:
sat's sandii's bdae.
sun's en xi's full m0nth celebration ..
this c0ming week's schedule is FULL!
iim a busy girl ya noe .. hahas XD
ii will stil SQEEZE out time t t0k t him cos iim alr missing him!

he p0sed f0r me XD

ain't it clear, hehes (^o^)//


- ii just LOVE him t bits<33 -

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:06 PM

Thursday, May 11, 2006

sk0ol was b0ring this week.

had mine CDS on tues.
we cut colour cubes from mag ; size 4cm by 4 cm.
we had t ch0ose d c0l0urs nd cut 35 of them.
after arranging them in order, we had t cut patterns of the cubes.
then paste them acc0rding t arrangement on A3 drawing paper.
n0t finishd yet .. after doing all those,
we had t write why we ch0ose d c0l0ur(s) nd why we cut d patterns.
me nd mine CDS fwens stayed 45mins more which means we left sk0ol at 6:45
when we were suppose t be dismissed at 6.
but we c0uldn't finish up 0ur w0rk so we had t stay backs
CRAP(- -
ii g0t mine drawing f0r last week's w0rk, nd ii g0t a D.
is mine drawing that w0rst?
ii feel mine shading sucks, sh0uld b it ..

met up with peiis ; f0ngss ; karads nd nichh ydae.
ii w0re mine new mango stripes top ydae.
peii's fwen c0rd me a zebra laa, THANKS man ><`
llols ;we had y0shin0ya nd had 0ur drinks fr0m m0s burger(:
time just passes fast when we are t0gether ..

ii didn't g0 sk0ol tdaes c0s mine leg muscle cramp ;ii dun0es why but when sleepg halfway mine left leg just crampd.
ii c0uldn't walk properly ; was limping when ii tried t walk.
s0 in d end didn't go sk0ol .. went d0ctor f0r MC
during aftern0on/evening was betta but muscle still ached.
went meet sandi t study nd pass her mine MC t drop tml in TP.

tml meetg sarina t study, agains(:
ii reali need t w0rk extra hard this semester ..
ii had alr f0rg0tten what ii learnt last year, this is so worst ><`
a change of class ; new pepo w0rkg tgether.
it's kinda weird s0metimes ..

me nd siew ping(: mine new classmate.

nicole ; yeahs(x updated already .. hehs! will see uu on d 21st yeah(x cant wait t see baby TOOs<33 LOVEs *mwahhs!

ii miss him LOTS! ;C

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:49 PM

Saturday, May 06, 2006

iim finally blogging alr ..
uu all gan jiong laa . llols
loyal readers all complain liaos ~><

tiring week as usual ..
ydae tok t him on d fone nd ii fell asleep!
OMG ;feel so paiseh .. haa

went marina square with jocelyn tdaes(x
but ii onli bought a top(- -
llols ..
jocelyn bought a 3/4 jeans nd 2 t0ps.
we zi lian-d while trying on our clothes, haa XD
ate swensens for dinner
ii headed home nd she went t find r0y ; yew yi ; weixiang ; etc..

mine leg hurts laa.
ii wore heels cos mine dressing dont match with shoes.
now freakg pain .. llols ;dunoe what t write le laa, TIRED!
LOADs of photos shall b posted(:

us in swensens XD

shawn ; oi pigu! irksome uu .. regular reader lehs, also dont tag often d! haa XD ii dowan miss uu laa, LOLs ;X

sijie ; now ii blog le laa! LOLs. what uu want SG, hear of SG then despo sia .. hahaha ;X hao laa miss uu more, cos ii dont miss shawn XD HAA.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 9:28 PM