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Sunday, July 30, 2006

happy bdae shawn nd t mine grandpa :D
it's their bdae tdaes ..
OKAYs it's over 12 .. so it's ydae.

went dinner at a restaurant at ang mo kio.
d service there SUCKS(- -!
d f0od was ALRIGHT onli ..
t0ok quite a num of photos(:
mine cutie cousin lennon was wearg stripes ; same as me!
hahas XD
d dessert was niceeeeeeeee ..

hmm .. one of mine cousin had AP la
urps ;/
ii just like t meet up w them nd have family dinner
cutes :D !

ii'l b having a BBQ at mine aunt's condo a few daes bfor mine bdae w mine family members/relatives XD
SO SO l0okg f0rward t it ..

me nd mine bro

shark's fin :D

yam paste .. OMG ii LOVE!

fried ice cream ... *DROOLS*

d kids!

during dinner. f0rced him t take it w me! mine cousin(:

that yummy cake . banana nd ch0cs :D

ME nd lennon!

lennon nd j0ycez

me nd j0ycez ^^

c0usins ; me . joycez . sixian

that CUTIE!

mine cousin ; damien! (:

g0ing off ...

d last pic ; sixian nd lennon ^^

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:45 AM

Saturday, July 29, 2006

handed database(DBSY) assignment alr ! :D

had lab test on thurs ; C#.
easy ii'd sae.
d teacher kua suay-d me sia!
she was saeing "finish alr? why so fast huh .. onli 15mins"
what's that suppose t mean man ..
iim n0t as clever as she t0t or d test is diff?
GOSH(- -!
nd so, it was easy, f0r me.

stayed back on thurs til 6:3oPM t do DBSY assignment.
thanks t irene who helpd us with our modules :D
ii wanna thank irene ; ariel nd sijie cos they helped me with it.
ariel nd sijie gave me their ans (:
really thanks! :D
CG was d0ing d same m0dule as me ; LUCKY HIM!
ii just sent him d answers for reference/c0py lo.
helped junie nd jiefang get answers for their m0dule too ..

went sk0ol at 11:3o tdaes(:
went lab t d0 finish up DBSY.
saw lex in lab nd he asked me t bake c0okies again cos he wanna eat.
j0shua nd me kept saeing d "best fwen" thingy ;/
did nd edited mine procedure nd it w0rkd (:
we cheated s0meh0w cos we edit d c0des of s0me tables ..
since d teachers are markg seeing d hard c0des

went h0me arnd 5+ ..
saw CG at busst0p but din talk t him.
ii walked past him then ii realise it's him, but shy la!
llols XD
t0ok bus h0me nd talked t phoebe all d way laa
cos saw her at busst0p t0os(:

blah blah ~

sandii said t c0me mine h0use nd bake c0okies tml after her w0rk(:
for XHDR laa ..
sae so nice wanna gimme a BOX.
sandii d0nt LOVE me liaos ~ TT.TT

that large piece of me that belongs t him may be taken away bit by bit by others if things d0n't happen OR l0nger time has passed.
ii realise being there ; as in physically, as a fwen or what, makes a diff.
ii d0nt f0rsee mineself XH-ing CG.
alth0ugh ii find him cutes, OKAY ii n0e he's n0t HK.
but HK is SO besides d p0int.
AS ii was saying, ii d0nt f0rsee mineself XH-ing CG.

firstly, KJA.
he is more imp0rtant than CG. but sad t sae .. cos ii d0nt get t see him(kja), nd having able t always see CG, ii feel happy. but then again .. CG will onli b CG, ii suppose? (: oh. he can b ex-CG toos, llols. but what ii was tryg t sae is .. seeing too much of CG may also mean that ii will get tired of him faster, nd agains, he's onli CG. n0t even XH him yets .. that getting tired part applies

secondly OR mayb lastly, he d0nt XH me.
even if ii XH him, he d0nt XH me. ii d0nt like this kinda feelg .. it's t0rtur0us. but even if he XH me, there's so many p0int t c0nsider.
- d situation between me nd KJA
- h0w much he XH me
as ii'v said, that being there physically matters. ii realise it's VERY imp0rtant .. d way h0w two pepo get along nd al0t al0t of stuffs.
d situation between me nd KJA c0unts ; decisions are affected due t situation, so that's why that's an0ther p0int.

aniwae iim just thinkg t0o much cos sandii was there saeing mayb there's fireworks between me nd CG .. llols (: CG wont XH me.

oh, an0ther p0int is, iim so fat nd CG is SUPER THIN can ;/ llols. but as ii said, he w0nt XH me .. hahas

nd ..

KJA is stil d one naa <3 !

P.S: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN!(uu'r stil not CG(: LOLS) be more matured yeah!

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 2:21 AM

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

cause uu'v had a bad day ~~

ii'v had a bad day tdaes ;(
was stuck in a traffic jam for 3omins nd was late for lab lesson.
ii l0st 5bucks nd ii'v g0t n0 idea why it g0t l0st ;/
while ch0osing f0od f0r "yong tau fu", ii dr0pped a fishcake nd crabmeat
(- -
that's like SO DAMN BAD CAN.

there's DSAG lab test tomorrow ;/
ii h0pe ii can pass?
c0s ii haven been d0ing lab questions since week2(._."
nd n0t t menti0n,
haven been d0ing tut0rials since weekONE!
(- -

s0mething t be happy ab0uts ; fri n0 apel class! (:
which means no 8am lesson nd ii can go sk0ol LATES.
but n0t reali lates, cos need t do pr0j ;/
deadline f0r DBSY this fri 5pm.
OOAD one on week16.

final exams timetable is outs.
3 days of exams 28 - 3o aug
STUPID sandii .. end at 28th
sure kit si me d ;(
aniwae ii have DSAG paper on 3oth aug, 7 - 9 PM!
omg(- -
this is d first time laa ..
exam ......at nites? HURs
aniwae that's d last paper laa ..
faster come then faster end.
HOLIDAYS ; ii so wannnnnnntttttttttt!!

wish f0r NATIONAL DAY t c0me FAST.
cos 5 more days after national day is mine BDAY oh!
hahas XD
in case uu all dont get that hint,
it's 9 + 5 = 14AUG`o6 ^^
llols :D
lalalallalallalalaa ~~

b0ii have been c0ring every nites arnd 12+
ii guess he w0nt c0r tdaes, th0ugh iim h0ping he will.
cos he has c0mpleted his A3 like FINALLY!!
1year+ of playing .. llols
but he will still b playing so ..

that invisible pen.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:12 PM

Monday, July 24, 2006

ii did wish her on that very day but ii just din have d chance t blog it cos ii didn't receive d pics for peii's bdae.

met up w sandii at tpy t meet d rest at somerset on sat.
ii miss meetg up w them esp slackers!
f0ngs have nice dressing :D
dined at NYDC ; f0od was niceeee . drinks TOO
finally t0ok pics sarina but she felt that they were ugly ;(
cha0po nd wilmer th0ught 0ne cake wasn't en0ugh so they b0ught TWO.
nd so peii's had TWO bdae cakes that day XD
there was this gig there, it was n0isy yet added a lil' of fun(:

pr0ceeded t esplanade after dinner but WTH,
d place was also full of pepo(- -
there was also this gig there toos.
nd wilmer was lame en0ugh t tell peiis ..
"eh peipei uu see ur bdae then got all these gigs."
llols ;/
peii's YIP came along nd they r SO SWEET!
we cut d cakes nd they smashed d ch0co one on peiis face
ii w0nt get karma cos ii didn't do it! ;X
iim so happy f0r them ; f0ngs&&peiis.
we playd d invisible pen ii b0ught f0r slacker`s.
d guys were all over it laa .. llols
d GP side of us ; cheap nd HAO WAN!
it's time t go ..
wanted t cab h0me w nicole but there's n0 cab nd there's traffic jam
so we decided t take train h0me since there's stil MRT at that time.

baked c0okies on sun f0r jiefang ; n0thing much.

wanted t p0n sk0ol tdaes but there's tut nd pr0j t do, so ii went.
hahas ..
saw sandi XHDR *ahem (:
dee said she'l make c0okies for me next time(BETTER RMBR!)
after d0ne w pr0j ii headed h0me.
d0ne CDS assignment nd ii think it's NICE
hahas :D


me nd sarina.

peiis nd hanyeong :D

on d bus t esplanade.

that gr0up on peii's bdae at NYDC XD

d irks0me one nd her TWO bdae cakes ^^

that kiss.

SWEET ^^! yi ding yao large size ;X

EDITED ; by nicole(:



final piece :D

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:59 PM

Saturday, July 22, 2006


went sh0pping f0r peii's bdae pressie with sandi 0n thurs.
ii din sleep on wed night nd thurs was kinda t0rtur0us f0r me ..
ii acc0mpanied him 0n f0ne .
went h0me at ar0und 6+ on thurs nd ii straightaway slept ><~
w0ke up arnd 11+ nd online ..
f0ne w j0yy then him.
he urged me t sleep bf0r 1am laa .. llols
nd so ii did(: !

friday was kinda tiring but abit fun?
CMSK is getting m0re fun(:
we had t r0leplay s0me scenes nd ii think d guys DAMN FUNNY!
llols (x
g0t mine fringe cut nd it's a LIL' noob, hurs.

peii's bdae tdaes ..
C E L E B R A T I O N f0r her ^^ !!
<33 LOVE UU(:

P.S : cutes guy is getting cuter t me ; crappy TOOs.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:53 PM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

din go t sk0ol tdaes, w0ke up lates(- -
having a tight budget just d0nt allow me t cab t sk0ol.
mine fwens skipped CDS, so ii skipped TOO.

n0thing much f0r tdaes.
ii just did OPSY tut0rial like WOW~
just started d0ing nd ended up c0mpleting m0st of d questions(:
this is d FIRST time ii did mine tutorial?

noticed someone cutes ..

peiis bdae is nearing.
saw 0ne of d clips d guys t0ok in kb0x ..
miss g0ing kb0x nd d clique so much.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:52 AM

Monday, July 17, 2006

damn nice a song ; d lyrics (:

Deep And Meaningless Lyrics
Album : Rooster
Artist : Rooster

I, I don't know why I miss you so much
Yeah I, I don't know why I still feel your touch
You, you left me feeling high and dry
With nothing, nothing but the question why

Yeah you, I guess you had another direction
And leaving me with nothing but a dead connection

If you call me today
I'll say that I'm fine
But I bet you can tell by the tone of my voice
It's just a lie
You knew what you had
You still walked away leaving me in this mess
My love for you is deep and meaningless

You, you knew what you were doing to me
And I, I guess I was too blind to see
Well you hit where it hurt and you fooled me so bad
But I'd do it again to relive what we had
(Damn that's sad)

There are many things left to remind me
Of a love that I just can't leave behind me

Chorus (Repeat)

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:19 AM

Sunday, July 16, 2006

okays ii wanted t blog just now but ii started t record mine singing
llols ;/
mine all time fav - jiu shi ai ni (:

seriously ii ner update cos, THERE'S NOTHING MUCH T UPDATE!
like ii slack for d wh0le weekend.
ii ner recover but getting worse nd worse with all d flu nd sneezing
watchd e mo zai shen bian tdaes(- -
ii cried l0ads ..
nd ii keep sneezing ; tearg ; bl0wg out mucus like a mad girl.
urps ><~
ii didn't have d m0od t b0ther b0ut mine CDS for d wh0le weekend.
ii even have d th0ught t p0n CDS on tues(- -
there's interview tml f0r OPSY till n0w ii haven even read thru d report
h0w w0rse is that ..

aniwae decided a place t dine in like finally f0r peii's bdae
JACK'S PLACE ; either d one at great world city or opp mandarin hotel.
meetg time ; n0t sure yets. sh0uld b arnd 4, late n0on/earli evening
wh0's g0ing ; peii[of cos], slacker`s, nich, karad, marc, jake, etc etc

al0t of pepo bdae in june nd july ;(
iim like ULTRA broke.
iim reali l0okg f0rward t mine bdae .. ;//
it seems like ii lack of EVERYTHING(- -

blah blah.
ii have n0thing more t say ..

s0metimes, ii d0nt like h0me, nd feel like running away ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:30 PM

Thursday, July 13, 2006

alrights ii haven been blogging nd jocelyn & joanne is complaing!
let me see, what have ii done.
actuali n0thing much ehhs ..
have been g0ing backs h0me fr0m sk0ol everyday

ydae ii had s0rethr0at when waking up in bus.
d air c0n was so cold nd dry ..
was sick alr nd felt feverish at nites.

ii d0nt wanna b bad but s0metimes ii just cant make every0ne happy
ii just want him nd sadly, there isn't ani0ne else ii want.
ii kn0w uu will b happy s0meh0w.
thanks zx nd dexter(:

didn't g0 t sk0ol tdaes ..
s0rethr0at had w0rsen nd had bl0ckn0se toos ;//
met up w c0usin t see d0ctor at p0lyclinic nd went t grandma hse.
went t toapay0h central t sh0p nd she g0t her fringe cut.
went backs grandma hse f0r dinner,
ii just l0ve h0me-c0oked f0od(:
mine c0usin helped mine br0 t buy england jersey.
nd adding t it, it's LAMPARD's one!
OMG(- -
ii was irks0me nd t0ok it t wear nd t0ok pics, llols ;X

peii's bdae nearg!
jiefang's too!
after theirs, mine is near TOO (:

li chuan nd siew ping w ariel's spec.

d spect-y me at home(:

that invisible pen !

ariel's hello kitty pencil b0x where it p0ints middle finger, llols.

qianting nd jiefang ; it wasn't candid! haha

me & jolene (:

adels & jiefang XD

me nd yanleng :D

wasn't even mine t start with ;((

ENGLAND jersey ; lampard no.8

me nd mine c0usin(:

ANGRY ahh ..


Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:38 PM

Saturday, July 08, 2006

mine fwen said if uu have menses nd uu use ur butt t kn0ck an0ther person's butt then she will have menses if she haven had mense f0r that m0nth.
yaa so she kn0cked mine butt when ii ask "h0w?"
nd d very next day ii reali have menses laa(- -
mayb is xin li zuo y0ng baa ..

ii p0nned sch0ol tdaes ..
0nli have CMSK2 fr0m 2 - 4pm . iim lazy laa

went 0uts with j0yy on thurs ^^
b0ught li chuan's nd junie's DAMN BELATED pressie.
b0ught a mng t0p nd p0oh water b0ttle.
as usual we t0ok quite a num of pics but n0t as much ..
we were quite exhausted laa(- -
plus it's day2 of menses .. tiring

blah blah ..
like dunoes what t sae outta sudden
just view d photos baa .

ii think this is quite jing dian .. llols

with flash *-*

plain STUPID . haa^^

that's all ! (:

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:17 AM