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Thursday, August 31, 2006

it's time t PARTYYYYyy ~~ XD
l0ng awaited man!

ii d0nt know h0w ii will fare for d 4 papers.
ii just h0pe that ii pass (:
received damn belated pressie from steph nd pam ydae.
like ii said ; it's d th0ught that c0unts.
nd it reali is like thats ..

ii think ii reali suffering fr0m ins0mnia.
will get sleepg pills s0on.
ii cant just g0 on n0t sleepg well at night ..
it's a t0rtur0us thing ><~

went back bhss but sandi was LATE ;(
so we didn't manage t see d teachers nd t0k t them.
but we still went back, nd reminise.
d environment ; d classes ; d pepo ; d f0od ..
g0od mem0ries ii'd say.
0r damn g0od 0nes?
all th0se crapping ; slackg nd playing ar0und ..
ii stil miss sec sk0ol times th0ugh p0ly is n0t that bad.

we didn't have anithing f0r ms ch0ng nd being late,
we din even have d chance t see her nd t0k t her.
like always ; we'r turn off.
we t0ok paper fr0m under desk nd used their col0ur pencils
but it turned 0ut n0t bad 0kays!
c0s it was d0ne by me .. 4/5 of it !
llols XD

went LJS at NS f0r brunch.
huai nian can ..
d place we slacked after sk0ol ; studied during exams
hehs :D

it was such a c0oling rainy weather ..
0bviously it's time for s0me beautySLEEP.
when dee went t meet her xhdr f0r m0vie,
ii went backs h0me t have a GOOD nd NICE sleep.
all d g0od night sleep ii missed r always made up with nice sleeps in d aftern0on/evenings (:

pressie they gave (:

s0me funny mem0ries ..

ii w0nt f0rget we threw fake c0ins in d p0nd fr0m ab0ve as if wishg, nd msCh0ng j0ind in t0os XD

that class ; ii miss .. LOADs (:

d mirr0r at 0ur class level t0ilet! :D pard0n d TO me

AHEM* llols XD

hsiang ken! he damn TALL can ;O nd more shuai!!

d canteen (:

in LJS ; me nd dee. w nich's spec

in bus t TPY ; we cam-wh0red, as usual.

rand0m. this dark ch0colate's one nicer

r a i n ~~

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 6:06 PM

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

2 down 2 more t go.
but onli 1 day left.
2 main paper tml ..
STRESS !!!!!

iim coming here bfor ii go t sleep.
omg ii h0pe ii dont fail nd take supp ..
* prays DAMN hard! *
OPSY nd DSAG(c#)
help ...........
ii cant wait for this t be over ;(((

thurs ii m so awaiting!
mon toos, tanning!!
nd jake's chalet!
ii wanna work.
at mine mum's workplace...
ii wanna go bangkok during weekends!

okay iim off t sleep.
after all this then it's time t njoy!
lucks pepo.
last push bfor stress-free hols (:

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 3:01 AM

Monday, August 28, 2006


DBSY is over.
1 d0wn 3 more t go.

ii have n0 m0od t do anithing.

ii wish ii c0uld have all d time al0ne 0utside.
ii wish f0r a g0od night sleep at night w/o d aid of med.
ii wish that ii c0uld b nonchalant.

just blabbering nonsense.
pard0n me.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 8:57 PM

Sunday, August 27, 2006

exams tml, d day after nd d dae after after next.
but iim here n0w slacking like nob0dy's business.
after all these t0rtur0us studying,
it's HOLS :D
ii cant wait !!
nd, ii wanna w0rk.
f0ngs shall we go find j0b tgether one day?
hehs (:

after exams, on thurs, gonna go tanning w dee.
mayb f0ngs nd peiis j0ining?
ii wanna w0rk so that ii can SHOP till ii DROP.
ll0ls XD

ii wanna g0 sh0ppg w slacker`s nd j0celyn.
go m0vies nd go eat !!
frequent tanning t0os :D
ii wanna g0 t0nning 0uts nd at pepo's h0use.
ii wanna go j0g frequently.
yi ding yao d!

ii cant wait f0r all this t be 0ver.
ii wan mine l0ng-awaited h0ls.
but again ii need t find things t let time pass.

GOOD LUCKS every0ne!
it'll b 0ver soon :D
h0pe we can pass!
nd ii h0pe ii'l b in same class as j0celyn && sijie.
* prays HARD! *

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 6:42 PM

Saturday, August 26, 2006

didn't manage t really study tdaes.
weather was BAD.
d day is BAD.
m0od == BAD
everything, BAD!

did n0t sleep well agains.
ii freakg hate this =.-x
managed t catch some sleep in d aftern0on ..

ii wanna t0n w slackers.
ii wanna leave h0me nd just sit 0uts for a nites.
ii wanna gaze at stars.
ii wanna sit by d sea nd just let d wind bl0w across.
just s0mething that w0uld make me relax.

ii d0nt kn0w whether what iim d0ing is right.
iim clueless.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:57 AM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

went study w f0ngs after her oral.
we b0ught stuffs for baby en xi (:
wan c0ng came arnd nights t find f0ngs.
studied awhile more nd we went off.

why must girls b crude.
ii reali dont understand ..
what's w all d vulgarities hanging arnd their mouths.
is it a way of showg that they r c0ol?
or that they r 不好欺负
what TMD ; sibei ; etccc ..

then ii will 屈服 nd go sleep.

this thing suddenly crossed mine mind just now ;/


Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:44 AM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006



Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 3:38 AM

n0t pin-p0intg ani0ne ; just generalising.
ii just hate when pepo 自以为是。
d0nt act like that thing d0nt hurt uu when it haven't happen
nd go all sad nd pissed off when d thing happens.
that'l b one big joke.
let's say ..
uu said uu cant b b0thered w ur results nd exams,
nd then when uu get bad results, uu get sad.
if uu didn't b0ther .. uu w0uldn't b sad.
uu said uu cant b b0thered if uu were tgether w him/her,
nd then when uu two broke up, uu get sad.
if uu didn't b0ther .. uu w0uldn't b sad.
if uu r de 0nes that ii menti0nd, think.
mayb iim one too.

met up w f0ngs nd peiis tdaes.
was late! haa ;X
s0wii f0ngs, ii n0e uu d0nt mindd ..
met up w mine cousin t acc her cut fringe nd make contact lenses.
><~ was gone for so damn l0ngg ..
went backs t find peiis nd f0ngs.
t0ok l0ads of pics :D
ii had mine hair CURLed.
my recent fetish f0r c u r l s ~ XD
thanks t nicole who taught me how . haa

ii cant wait f0r h0ls :D
ii wanna t0n w slacker`s!
two nights? haa XD


f0ngs nd me.

peiis nd f0ngs





jing dian ; ain't? haa :D

they'r tryg t mimic nicole!

an0ther! but w mine hand XD haa

BLACKIE ; peiis b0ught f0r ivannnn <33 HAA


using webcam (:

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:31 AM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

shall we go nicole h0use one day during 0ur h0ls?
peii said ton!
oh. ii d0nt mindd ....
nic0le do uu?
haa XD

h0ls is t nj0yyyyy t de FULLEST ~

let's g0 eat se0ul ; sakae nd tian tian huo guo!
ii wanna eat ma la huo guo laa :D

that TO packaging ; llols.

WAH ; how big is that? haa

d proper pic of it ; see underneath, ii was studyg OPSY :D !

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 2:05 PM

n0thing much t update actuali ..
haven been able t sleep well nd it's been normal lately.
actuali was supposed t g0 backs sk0ol nd pay some fees.
but ii asked jiafeii that kind s0ul t help me instead(:
mine mum just piss me off sometimes
hurs(- -

was like half-awake when nicole msg-d me at 6am+ ..
she askd if wanna go f0r breakfast since iim g0ing t deposit nd transfer money c0s she skippg lect but she fergot she t0ld her mum she's going.
w0ke up nd prepared nd sent email t jiafeii.
was supp0sed t meet nic0le at 1o am
mine mum had t nag n0n-st0p.
indirectly delaying me in setting off t meet nicole.
okay so ii was late, as usual.
d0nt uu n0e ; slacker`s iinc = US = late gang?
haha ;XXXxx

had macd0nald breakfast :D
been l0ng since ii reali w0ke up t have breakfast.
n0t c0untg th0se times during break in sk0ol (:
we chat chat chat nd all we do was eat nd chat.
uu noe ; we sure can g0ssip.
haa XD
went wats0n t l0ok at make up ; curler nd hair stuffs.
acc0mpanied nic0le t take cab nd ii bus-d h0me(:

was feelg full nd SO DAMN TIRED when ii reachd h0me.
first thing ; 0nline.
sandii alr reachd tpy by that time.
but ii was t0o happy chattg,
nd ii d0nt wanna leave d c0mf0rt of home nd w msn!
llols XD
but stil ii managed t drag mineself outta h0use after s0rtg 0ut OPSY notes.

m0s burger it was ; agains.
d c0ld c0ld study place ><~
nd t think iim lazy t bring mine jacket.
freezing c0ld it was ;/
air-c0n no need m0ney d laa .. llols
sandii gave me GIANT lollip0p ii askd where t buy.
was fr0m XHDR nd her(:
packaging damn turn off . pic will tell it all
haha XD
but ultimately, ii stil love it! :D
shall get another type one next time nd f0r nicole toos.
okays, jocelyn toos XD

wasn't in d m0od for study.
ii was feelg real tired nd all ><~
w that frequent lack of sleep recently ..
ii just c0uldn't find d extra energy t study.
nd m0st imp0rtantly, ii have NO motivation.
nich j0ind like after SO DAMN LONG nd after fallg aslp, llols.
crappd a lil' ..
dee's XHDR came.
we went t ph0toc0py dbsy which as SUPER LOADS!!! ><`
2o7 pieces for 3 person.
nd we r huai ren tdaes ;/
we din pay for d swen notes nich has that we photocopied ;X
they earned enough ba!
$1o.35 ehhs .. haa ;XXx
s0rted 0uts nd we went 0ur individual ways.

iim quite suprised we still talk.
ii d0nt kn0w h0w t c0mment b0ut this but s0meh0w,
c0ntradict0ry lies.
iim happy he stil cares/b0thers ..
but ii noe n0t t care so much cos it hurts in d end.
lazy t c0mment le ..

h0w great ~
d webby f0r upl0adg of pics is not w0rkg ..
ph0tos an0ther day (:

that's all f0lks.
so l0ng ~

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 2:19 AM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

finally ate d c0okie jiefang gave nd d p0cky CG gave.
iim a super spendthrift girl.
GOSH(- - !

mine necessary daily dosage w siew ping in sk0ol(taken during tut)

that p0cky CG gave.

c0okie jiefang gave(:

spendgs on 14o8o6

mine recent fetish for CURLs :D

in l0ve w p0cky.

cam wh0ring w webcam (:

mayb some things just wont change .. yeah?
ii miss that particular taskbar button that always appeared on mine taskbar.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:34 AM

Saturday, August 19, 2006

need t wear formal for CMSK ydae.
it was like a meetg on how t have efficient meetgs ; roleplay.
ii think we totally messed that up.

cabbed home nd changed.
curled mine hair, it was 0kay but not very successful.
cabbed d0wn t raffles city.
met nicole nd she passed me d accessories nd white eyeliner.

post bdae celebration for me nd nich ydae.
dined at new y0rk new y0rk.
there was chee ee ; karad ; f0ngs ; dee&bf ; peii&bf ; sarina.
nic0le went off t meet jz so didn't j0in us f0r it.
f0od there was n0t bad, d drinks n0t very w0rth it.
d g0od thing is that there's free cotton candy,
uu have t go do it ur own or ask d person t help uu w it.
d one we ate ; green apple flav0ur :D
jing dian thing happened there ..
d place black-out for like twice, llols ;/

mine very huge root beer float ; half full.

that chicken me, karad nd ivan&peiis ordered.
d w0rk of ivan ; meatless.

decided t g0 kb0x (:
it's been a l0ng time since ii last went.
peii's friend j0ind us ; ah huat nd xiao ke.
if iim not wrong that's them, llols.
had fun laa ..
th0ugh peii's friend kept saying they r shy,
we were able t clique nd j0ke ar0und :D
dee's CL(xhdr) super crappy laa, w that high pitch.
haa XD
just had ultimate fun ydae (:
sang till 3am nd cabbed home.

ii d0nt kn0w who snapped this but ii l0ve mine curls.

ivan ; snapped at NYNY*

written by dee (:

b as slackerish as ME :D SO UNGLAM

kb0x ; pepo, d0nt b shy. dee & cl

adels nd peiis.

peiis nd HER ivan :D

wish upon that cake w a coffee flavoured chocs cup ; me nd nich.

earrings ii b0ught (: ! ii love <3

white eyeliner <33 !

d letters nd f0ngs' pressie for me :D

P.S: chee ee stil owe me boxes of mentos nd lollipops!

so much th0ughts in mind.
s0meh0w ii wishd mine mind is empty; that ii noe nothing.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 4:16 PM