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Friday, September 29, 2006

movie todaes :D
been SO DAMN LONG since ii went movies ..
watched 'John Tucker Must Die' .. it's a nice show
d guy's not very handsome but ii LOVE it when he dunk or score a 3point
d girl's pretty though .. blue eyes ; NICE(:
basketball just ROCK :D

ate fruits t quench out thirst bfor going into the cinema.
bought nachos nd ice lemon tea nd a cheesy hotdog (:
we polished it off even bfor the show starts .. llols
like d usual her .. but so paiseh for me S:
there's this group of sec sch0ol girls bouncing hard on d seats after d show
damn stupid alrights? ;/
nd the people beside us just dont wanna stand up nd we cant leave.
shou bu liaos man ..
we cam-wh0red in t0ilet as usual after m0vie :D
went SaSa nd b0ught the d0uble eyelid glue .. then returned home(:

something's wrong with messenger .. me nd jocelyn cant send files t each other
we just cant st0p cam-wh0ring even home
haa XD
webcam-ed nd t0ok a few screensh0t ..
webcam-ed with nicole nd BABY en xi :D
baby grow up le .. nd getting MORE nd MORE CUTES ! <33
ii screensh0t them toos .. LOLs

always taking candid sh0t of ME ><`


mirror reflection! (:

stop snapping! ii know uu love ur hair ..

can ii say this again? ii just LOVE mine earring .. haa :D

see .. she did that agains!

finally a decent one!

pouting's our forte? haa

something ugly ..

sandii ; ii insist that ii l0ok hip hop! LOLs

we actuali l0oked into our own cameras XD

ehh .. ii think ii l0ok v plain?

d cam-whores.

DA YAN JING (hey hey hey hey ba la ba ba ~!!) *gosh im becoming more irksome!


last but not least ; ME xD

d0nt just l0ok at d surface ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:53 AM

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

yeah ; ii went outs like finally.
ii think this is weird but me ; nicole ; jocelyn went outs tgether!
hahas xD
two MNs l0hhs .. OMG
how zi bei t go outs w them.
they'v been saeing their head bigger ; legs fatter.
什么屁股啦! duhhhh ~
w me around, uu both ones r like SUPER THIN OKAYS .. nd HEAD SMALLER TOOS!
sh0u bu liaos uu two l0hh.

br0ught nicole t have a fringe cut at kimage.
ii'v been bringing business for them ..
askg mine cousins ; sandii nd now nicole t have haircut there.
hahas XD
met up w jocelyn at orchard ..
nd we realised when there's security,
there's not a single soul askg for donations at orchard control station.
llols ; they prevent terrorists AND pepo askg for donations!
haa ;Xx

had lunch/dinner at nicole's favourite mos burger .. llols
walked around taka findg for photo album nicole wanted.
nd d weird thing we realise was, after we ate, most of d shops like CLOSED!
taka departmental store ; f0od fare were closed.
we went heeren .. most of d sh0ps is either not there or closed.
so isit us or isit just plain coincidence ..
but whatever ; so we decided t proceed t PS.
walked around nd went t precious thots ..
they sell nice photo albums BUT it's far too expensive.
89.9o or something? but it's REAL nice.
came across this new sh0p which sells stuffs for uu t DIY ur photo album.
browsed through a few samples nd they were like FREAKG NICE!
all agreed that if a guy did it for us ; sure t be DAMN TOUCHED.
haha xD

went t this sh0p nicole mentioned that IMM also has.
we were like browsing through d stuffs nd realise there's no price tag.
saw this board that says something like everything for 2bucks?
we weren't sure so we just took something nd asked d sales girl.
nd WTH ; it's 2 for everything! llols
ii think we stayed in d sh0p for like DAMN long ..
in d end b0ught sp0nge ; mirrorS ; f0undation ; etc.
okay uu see.. foundation for TWO bucks?
SO DAMN CHEAP alrights .. nd it's super easy t apply
can ask nicole nd jocelyn if it's g0od nd get it(:
being at PS d one thing that's a MUST is ; take pictures in d toilet.
so we went .. LOLS
had some jing dian pictures nd some ugly ones ; as usual.
had a drink at f0odc0urt nd chatted then proceeded home alr(:

P.S: jocelyn off-day we go nicole house curl hair! haha XD

ii think iim done w the talkg .. pictures now :D

d stuffs!

she kept tou pai nicole!

this is super stupid but whatever! lols




d MEI NUs :D

ii think it's too bad t sae out so let's keep it as our inside joke :D

reflections :D

nicole damn cutes lo!

US (:

she love nicole's fone t bits! lols

healthy eatg! haha XD

pardon d very fat me, PLEASE.

last pic of d day! we LOVE her curls :D

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:15 AM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

just l0ok at d time ..
WHAT THE FUCK ; freakg 7am?
why m ii awake so EARLY in d morn ..
it's either ii go tanning or ii tonned last night but freakg hell NO!
damn it's t0rturous not being able t sleep.
ii finally experience what f0ngs said ; uu even see sunrise when uu d0nt even want t.
damn damn DAMN.!
decided that ii sh0uld not c0ntinue tryg t get t sleep nd c0me online ..
maybe ii will just have a g0od one someday.
even a g0od night sleep is sh0rtlived .. hurs

haven been going aniwhere ; no LIFE.
been r0ttg at home like iim just in mine lil' own world.
onli c0ntactg pepo thru d virtual w0rld ..
butt getting bigger ; more fats bulging outs.
damn =.-x

thanks t nicole ii got a WEE bit of entertainment at home ..
nd that's sh0pping online.
iim always so freakg tempted when ii see those CUTESY/NICEY stuffs.
b0ught two of them like haa .. g0na b br0ke agains.
that's d reason ii stay h0me man.
iim lazy alr nd d fact that iim broke make me give up d thought of going outs.
iim s0 free t the extent that ii can clear mine picture f0lders f0r free space ..
going thru one by one nd deleting th0se unwanted ones.
nd ii realise ii have LOADs of rubbish ; over a thousand.
removed some sch0ol programs t make mine c0m less laggy ..

even neopets games r getting b0ring ..
s0ngs on mine com, ii get sick of.
only tv tv nd MORE TV(- -
d0nt kn0w what else t do ..

sometimes memories are of NO USE ; too much, too much of it ..

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 7:16 AM

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

mine small toe stil hurts ;(
went jogging in d afternoon.
returned earlier cos mine toe hurts ;/
felt like vomitting when ii got backs home,
think it's cause ii didn't eat anithing or didn't run for too long.

went over t mine grandma house for dinner.
ii always like home-cooked f0od(:
ate l0ts of vegetables nd lil' rice.
mine cousin become damn naughty sia .. tsk`

the cup is not half empty as pessimists say
as far as he's sees nothings left in the cup
a whole cup full of nothing for him to induldge
since the voice of ambition has long since been shut up

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:32 PM

she w0nt see this so ii shall n0t sae anithing, hurs.

webcam-d agains ; weird but whatever.
he's been ranting bouts exercise, exercise nd STILL EXERCISE.
shit him nd his UNHEALTHY diet =.-x
making me feel so damn sinful nd guilty alrights.
ii will go j0g tml! ><`
MUST MUST MUST~~ (yi ding yao d!)
keep telling me exercise 3omins t 1h0ur per day can maintain.
urps, smpg laaa ..
GOOD LUCK t him for his VERY UNHEALTHY diet.

The Used - Noise And Kisses
Look in my eyes
I'm jaded now whatever that means
By sharing these things
I rip my heart out
It's worth my time
Whatever that means...
Hard to see up
My neck feels stiff until I wake up
The orange I choked
And back to my neck
It's worth my time
Whatever that means....so

Share with me
Cause I need it right now
Let me see your insides
Or write me off
Cause I'd rather starve now
If you won't open up

Give it to me
Give me all... whatever you want
It's never been me
To want this much from you
I can see
It tears me up

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:27 AM

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

talked t sinyee on fone til 6am ydae agains!
fell asleep like straight after hanging up ..

rot at home like the usual, nothing special.
suppose t meet peiis t jog but she's not free ..
nd her mum c0okd dinner, so meeting up for dinner was out too.

have been having this idea for quite some time.
done it like todaes ..
ii think iim plain dumb ; bo liao ; stupid.
but ii just felt like doing it for no particular reason.
thanks t jocelyn who's willing t call me while iim alone(:
walking through that familiar place ..
someh0w ii did h0pe f0r s0mething t happen, but ii didn't.
saw 3 SHUAI guys while walking .. 1 beng th0ugh
gei kiang sia, ii wore heels =.-x
nd mine feet now hurts like F***
ii walked for like 1h0ur half unkn0wingly ..
decided t go home alr cos feet hurts.
ii stil dont know why but ii reali felt like doing that.

no plans for tml agains ..
no idea what t do, iim so sick of having nothing t do.
been growing fats at home ; sucks.
ii wish ii was as determined as him, even if it was just a lie.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 2:50 AM