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Thursday, November 30, 2006

ehh nothing much actuali ..
d whole week's been kinda busy nd not.
iim not workg during weekends animore .. getting mine pay this fri :D
CHEERIOS* t me nd han! haha
ii'v g0t alot of pr0jects t do ; GUID . WBAD
exams r c0ming up next ! dec 11 - 16

skipped sch0ol tdaes.
ii'v got red veins in mine eyes ; dunoes is d contacts or j0y's solution
gona go see doc at polyclinic later w dee.

am g0ing t buy clothes from spree (:
iim n0t sure if ii can wear but HELL~
just buy ba ; nd h0pe ii can wear.
or mayb m0tivate me t slim down, haha (ii bet NOT)
but ii think actuali it's kinda obvious ii cant wear laa ; d models so thin.

that big eye contact ii 0nly w0re for a dae ;(

that's d effect ; n0t much diff t me.

w specs in sch0ol!

her w mine.

this is one of d top.


ii wanted this ; but ii cant decide. give me ur opinion? by tml thanks :D

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 11:15 AM

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

n0thing much t update.
ii didn't bring mine f0ne t sch0ol ;(
thank g0d i met ph0ebe on bus so ii c0uld borrow fone from her.
skipped morn BBFin lect cos overslept.
did pr0j after sch0ol .. headed t buy big eye contacts at tpy

web-cam w joy nd we'r DAMN stupid nd ii reali mean it.
pictures shall prove mine words.



laughing our arses off.

s0mething more normal ..

kawaii desu ne!

t0ok w sijie in lift ; plain ME!

0ne overdue pic w shawn nd joy.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 12:54 AM

Sunday, November 26, 2006

this post's for joy's bdae surprise/celebration && d 2 days of work

fri ; 2411o6
met up w han after sch0ol.
went parkway t get ingredients for cake nd ch0co c0rnflakes.
had KFC for dinner w han ; yawen nd bf went for dinner.
met up at GIANT nd sh0pped for d stuffs(:
b0ught candles nd sparkles bf0r headg back t j0y h0use.
thanks j0y's bro for carrying nd pushing d tr0lley f0r us nd driving us back ; so paiseh leh.

pr0ceeded t 0ur cake baking + ch0co c0rnflakes making.
han was super funny laa ; she's d dish-washing auntie f0r d day ;XXx
but she is m0st impt when she remind me nd yawen b0uts d fl0ur .. haha
everything turned 0ut GOOD nd NICE.
cake nd ch0co c0rnflakes' superbly YUMMY!

went d0wn her h0use t make candles nd sparklers ..
p0or ME g0t mine tumb burnt till SO PAIN ;(
j0y actuali kinda knew 0ur surprise nd came back w michelle which made us a wee bit DIAOS
but anih0w ~ ii guess we tried 0ur best yeah? (:

michelle was all0wd t stay 0ver at j0y's h0use thanks t yawen.
manicure sessi0n nd hair curling at j0y's r0om.
me nd han g0t w0rk d next day s0 we just SLEEP whereas j0y nd michelle went east c0ast.
so rare that michelle c0uld stay 0ver so it's a MUST t hav0c ..

zinger meal ~~

ch0co c0rn flakes ; d0nt l0ok nice here but it is!!!

l0okg a wee bit better (:

cake-making ; yawen.

spreadg whipcream+mango

those candles <3 j0y

w sparklers

her w it

mich + j0y

yawen ' mich ; j0y

see that YUMMY cake ; d0nt l0ok apetizing but it sure tastes GREAT!

pardon d ugly me .. reali ;(


wish wish

bl0wg off d candles ALL BY HERSELF!

cake cutting w yawen making stupid face

her w han's mand-made fake fl0wers.

d mess we made ; ii bet d maid hates us.

ii l0ve her hir length w that curl ; mine jie zuo (:

michelle's nail d0ne by yawen! PRETTY ehs

yawen l0ves baobao.

sat ; 2511o6

me nd han 0verslept d next day .. supp0se t wakie at 9am
we w0rk up when d alarm rang but we slept backs nd wakie at 9:46am tgether.
her dad was nice en0ugh t fetch us t w0rk (:
we had 0ur breakfast which was d cake + ch0co c0rnflakes[ see! h0w nice it is ]
w0rkd at pushcart nd met peiis after w0rk.
walked arnd d new NOVENA VELOCITY [ okok laa not bad (: ]

sun ; 2611o6
mine LAST DAY of WORK :D
c0unted mine pay .. it's $25o w/o commission
n0t that bad (:

dined at pizza hut w han after w0rk ; we were like DAMN FULL CAN!
c0uldn't finish 0ur f0od ..
went ar0und askg d price f0r freshk0n black big eye c0ntacts ..
th0se selling at united square is like SO EXPENSIVE!
d 0ptical sh0p ii frequent sells $28 but d two ii asked at untied sq was $35/$45 =.-x
acc0mpanied han t wait f0r her dad t fetch her bf0r ii head h0me.

barney ~

US w that biggy big hello kitty which costs $239.95.

c0ntrast ; smally one.

sumptuous ain't?

what's left ..

mine vs hers .. she's SHUI TONG just like j0y && sijie

biggy christmas tree (:

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:52 PM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

skipped morning lectures tdae agains ;Xx
was really t0o tired man .. j0y skipped lectures w me
ii cant even rmbr clearly when j0y cord me what happend, llols.

stayed back after sch0ol ydae f0r pr0js.
sch0ol ended 1 h0ur ealier cos there's no GUID lecture.
ii t0ok TONNES of pictures can.
w joy ; sijie ; steph ; pam ; shawn.
shawn was l0okg a WEE BIT better w his hair down nd d shirt.
met up w joanne after ii finish doing everything ..
went taka w her t buy cosmetics ; b0ught mac t eat at mine hse.
trial make up for her bfor her prom night on 29th dec.
not t0o bad ii guess ..

iim so lazy t blog ; pictures now.

me nd si jie(:

w joyy in lecture hall.

me ; shawn ; joy.

he blinked!

nd again .. (nd this is SO SUPER STUPID)

FINALLY ; cute la.

w pam :D

me && joy && steph


ii totally love this pic :D

l0ok at d dummy sijie LOL ;Xx

d mess ii made helpg her(joanne) make up.

this is ugly but whatever ; so this is joanne nd me.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 9:10 PM