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Saturday, December 30, 2006

thanks t th0se who were c0ncerned nd asked ab0ut it.
s0rry f0r n0t replying but yaa (:
anw, thanks nic0le f0r being w me on f0ne[nd baby's s0 cutes! :D]
nd thanks t nicole ; dee ; peiis f0r acc0mpanyg me t buy his stuffs.
thanks t zx[saying iim very nice:X] haha .. but uu r cutes la!
thanks t jiefang t0o ; uu totally make me laugh ehhs[CUTESTOO!(x]

k-lunch w slacker`s this c0ming tues.
it's been like DAMN DAMN long since we last met, n0t t say kb0x.
cant wait t see them .. ((: !
anw ; f0ngs/peiis if uu happen t see this .. nic0le cant make it c0s jz haven b0ok in ehs
let them spend time tgether maa XD
we find 0ne day go her h0use visit BABYenxi ler? (:

nicole ; uu d0nt l0ok NK taking pics at this side laa! ><`

uu seld0m see me do such things alrights .. llols

KJA aka hands0me ;
uu w0nt see this but hell !
iim so damn glad uu like the presents ii gave uu l0ts (:
like ii said, ii put in l0ads of effort!
s0rry ii hit uu twice :X
it wasn't that hard laa ..
nd ii stil think d bus thing is cute!

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:58 PM

Thursday, December 28, 2006

went backs t sch0ol ydae agains for pr0j ;/
totally waste of time ii'd sae?
t be h0nest ; ii hadn't been doing much when ii go backs t sch0ol!
cos sijie nd pam's part not done.
seriously ii think we shouldn't do in group but split it up.
ALWAYS draggy nd messy ><`
urps ; but now it's t0o late t split up.
not like GUID, at least DLists can help a lil' .. hurs

met up w mine mum f0r dinner after sch0ol.
ate like LOADS laa ; laksa . rojak . fried banana
damnit. iim getting fatter nd fatter ><
b0ught hairdye f0r like only 7bucks :D!
0nly d 0ne ii b0ught has disc0unt .. LUCKY ME XD
b0ught d shamp0o ii l0ng wanted but it's kinda exp ><`
but it's damn g0od laa .. d0nt even have t use c0nditi0ner nd ur hair == GOOD!
haa XD
that's h0w g0od that shamp0o is.

I'V GOT GREAT NEWS [[only for me ii guess]]

because handsome's willing t go outs w me!
d0n't kn0w why he d0n't wanna watch d JAY m0vie ..
suspected that he watched alr but whatever laa!
'Night at the Museum' it shall be.
it's his birthday this c0ming sat but iim meetg him on friday instead.
BUSY GUY laa ; sat w k0r&friends .. sun w family
at least he's willing t go outs w me(:

ii th0ught he'd just reject me ..
seri0usly g0ing 0ut or n0t is not that impt ; what's impt is d gifts.
it MUST b handed t him laa ><`
ii totally h0pe he appreciates what iim g0na give him.
ii did put al0t of th0ughts nd effort in d0ing them (:

iim currently w0rrying b0uts what if we two r like DUMB tml.
alth0ugh we met bf0r but that's totally diff!
it's g0ing 0uts n0w instead of just sitting down nd talk for a few mins ><`
anw ; be happy f0r me mine friends.
ii reali need that m0rale support! (:

meetg nicole laters t get stuffs for his gift.
ii need t bring everything t see if they match ..
ii wanna get a CHEAP plain white l0ng tube! [budget(- -]
h0pe ii can get it (:

sparklers XD *spot d two guys*

joy nd mich had t snap me nd anita while we were slpg! ><

mich && anita.

mich && me.

that hair dye + shamp0o ii <33 !

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:33 PM

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

MERRY XMAS everyone (: [think it's a lil t0o late but nermind :D]

spent mine xmas eve nd xmas morn at jocelyn SINGHUIYU's house.
n0t a bad 0ne ii'd sae.
nd n0w .. j0y ; han ; yawen are on plane t k0rea :(
ii'l miss uu all CAN!
please remember mine 3 pressies alright XD haa
so envy can ; white xmas f0r them ..
ii still hafta sl0g for pr0js ><`
jocelyn sing uu better buy smth nice for US! LOLs

P.S: it's g0na be a LONG post .. v lengthy nd w0rdy

2412o6 (xmas eve)

was still deciding sh0uld ii go 0ver t j0y's h0use ..

2. her h0use is like SO DAMN FAR
3. mine mum nd maid quarrel laa ; so sp0il m0od leh =.-x

but in d end ii stil went laa (:
thinkg that stayg 0ut f0r d day w0uld be g0od ..
t0ok mine time t prepare nd t0ok bus t her h0use.
on d wae t bus st0p ii helped an old lady carry her heavy stuff at d over head bridge
m happy can (:
this is d first time ii realli wanna help s0me0ne, nd ii did it.

t0ok bus 13 t her h0use nd it was raining ><`
n0t a very l0ng j0urney ii'd sae .. ar0und 5omins or so
that j0celyn is trying t make me l0st laa!
she t0ld me will pass by parkway when it didn't ..
ask me t l0ok 0ut for MOBILE petrol station, asked her isit ESSO MOBILE she said NO!
but it was laa .. llols ; WTH right.
lucky ii went t her place bf0r nd had a r0ugh idea!

j0y ; anita ; han(w jackjack) fetchd me at d bus st0p c0s it's raining.
went 0ver nd kinda paiseh at first c0s a few relative of j0y's were there ..
han's dad is like DAMN CARTOON CAN.
j0y's mum asked us t g0 d0wnstairs t cut l0gcake ..
they started singing "WE WISH YOU A MERY XMAS" f0ll0wd by "JINGLE BELL"
it's DAMN JING DIAN alrights ; plus d fact that han's dad was like damn enthu.
haha XD
han didn't stay c0s DUMB HER didn't pack her stuffs bfor g0ing 0ver t j0y h0use :(
so she had t return h0me t pack f0r their k0rea trip ..

yawen curled j0y's hair f0r her nd michelle came 0ver.
we ate steamb0at nd it's like yummy laa XD
salm0n ; jelly fish ; chicken wing ; satay ; prawns ; eel? LOLS
nd michelle's fav s0ggy fries? haha XD
mich made c0okies nd cup cakes ; yummy can!
all ab0ut being sinful, sinful nd STILL sinful .. llols

j0y w curls.

t0tally sumptu0us

c0okies michelle made.

yawen helped me do mine nails nd ii think it's damn nice!
j0y helped anita nd yawen helped mich .. we all had nice nice nails on xmas eve!
me ; anita ; j0y nd mich started playg p0ker nd f0rfeit was some drink we mixed.
DAIDEE was d game ; diff alcohol & c0ke was d drink.
ii was d WINNER laa! j0y nd mich CMI sia ..
they kept l0sing nd had t drink.
j0y ended up v0mitg cos was t0o bl0ated or what nd mich abit seh ..
we even played tag team ; anita&me .. j0y&mich
iim d lucky one !! LOLS
had hell l0ads of fun can ..

t0tally candid ; see that PRETTY MICHELLE :D

ii didn't lie (: totally g0rgeous!

d alcohol

drinkg d not so bad f0rfeit drink (x

loser had t shuffle d cards t0o! haha

ii swear that wasn't "TOO MUCH BLUSHER" but d effect of d alcohol!

went d0wn t play sparklers at d p0ol nd it was t0tally SMOKEY!
nearly ch0ked t death w all d sm0ke.
we screamed nd sh0uted despite d time was like 3am.
XD total fun ..
mich two guy fwens j0ined us nd we went backs j0y h0use t watch tv.
LAUGHED OUR ARSES OFF watchg jacky wu's sh0w ; totally l0ve it!
d guys left .. me nd anita slept for a few h0urs
j0y nd mich went t eat instant n0odles.
[ s0me pictures are w mich ; will get from her s0on(: ]

bf0r going down t play sparklers XD

mine nails XD

mich ; anita ; j0y

me ; mich ; j0y

me nd anita (:

me nd j0yy

seeing this pic just reminds me of j0y's mum ; totally CUTE! haa XD

reddy me w pretty mich (:


totally ugly ME ! ><`

our pretty fingernails nd feet

2512o6 (xmas day :D)

wakie at 6:59am w j0y askg me nd anita, "uu all had chicken p0x alr?"
we were like ; NO WE NEVER HAD CHICKEN POX ><`
mich had hazeline on her legs nd she kept scratchg ..
me nd anita kept our distance from her fearg of contractg chicken pox!
haha XD [[so s0rry]]
t0ok bus home nd it was freakg fast ..
was paran0id on d way h0me nd bathed bf0r ii went t sleep.
wakie w no red spots on me nd felt kinda safe XD
after which ii g0t t n0e mich didn't have chicken p0x ; mayb it's d alcohol.

mine bro askd me if ii wanna go bowling w them, hesitated initially but ii did.
hesitate c0s ii just had nice nice nails nd ii d0nt wanna l0se them :(
but ii guess it w0nt b that bad? llols.
cabbed d0wn t yishun SAFRA w mine mum ; bros ; bro gf ; maid.
was kinda fun laa ..
mine bro damn tyco ; he had d railing up t prevent him from washing d drains(LOLS)
nd he kept getting stike / spare.
LH laa !

mine mum nd br0(:

d fatty br0 ..

that was d last r0und ; damn l0usy la! mine maid was highest(- -

me nd mine bro

had dinner at pizzahut at united square .. so full can!
headed backs home after which.
afterall ; it ain't a bad way t celebrate xmas day (:

sure h0pe every0ne nj0yed their xmas like ii did?
esp slackers! <33 nd HIM*

he surprised me w a xmas greetg nd iim super duper happy b0uts it.
it's d first time he did this nd iim so t0uchd!

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:26 AM

Friday, December 22, 2006

hadn't been updating cos' dont realli noe what t sae ..

downloaded nd installed IE 7.0 ; it's DAMN NICE.
makes d UI l0ok so c0ol .. so much m0re like flat-screened.
uu can have a few tabs in a window t avoid having loads of windows at ur t0olbar.
GOOD, ii'd sae (:

just like that, 5 days of hols passed.
been raining nd raining fr0m mon t wed .. s0me places even had fl0od
outta 5 days ii went back t sch0ol thrice ; just for proj.
didn't expect t spend mine h0ls like this but ii guess there's no choice huh.
went outs on mon w peiis nd dee (dee got her hair REBONDED[uh-huh! flaty n0w])
tues 0uts w dee nd nicole.
wed 0uts w j0celyn.
went towning for 3 consecutive days (DAISO ; ART FRIEND)
there's 5o% at MANGO but ii saw n0thing nice ..

been preparing his bdae present for d past few daes since mon.
actuali d0nt know whether ii'l meet him nd have a chance t pass him.
but ii made him a video which ii think is super nice(it's d th0ughts that c0unts huh)
ii mean ii h0pe he'l appreciate it.
even if he d0nt want any pressie ; that video he MUST accept.

g0na waste mine weekends ; xmas eve ; xmas at h0me ..
ii miss slackers!

flat laa ..

that's d usual peii.


d usual thing we'll do in sch0ol [in lab]

[in t0ilet] see ii didn't lie

that's pam ; ii did smth t her hair! it's not that ugly ler ><`

an0ther. [taken w j0y's new f0ne]


necklace f0r him ; b0ught 0ne for mineself t0o [n0tc0uplenecklace!>< ijustlikedit]

d b0x ; ii filled up w shreds of paper. nd d heart being pasted on(:

d cutesy CD i b0ught t burn d video in (:

[D-I-Y]ii t0tally like this ; strap's gona get changed .. d heart will be pretty much d same

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 10:24 PM

Sunday, December 17, 2006

was waitg for him t be back from game ..
blogh0pped nd saw this on f0ngs' blog.
had a try nd this was d result (:

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 1:35 AM

Thursday, December 14, 2006

termtest ended, very badly.
ii have a bad feelg of failing 3 subjects out of 4.
this is d first time ii d0nt feel happy b0ut exams endg, c0s ii n0e ii didn't do well.
luck is what ii need now ..
but being suay for this wh0le year, ii d0nt forsee any more luck.

ii hadn't been g0ing 0uts lately.
all d rushg of pr0js nd mugging f0r termtest, which ii hadn't d0ne well in.
nd again, pr0js r thanks t th0se pepo who reali helped us.
w/o uu all ii think we'll just b l0st s0uls laa ; THANKS A DOZEN.
just wrote a few testim0nial t thank them(:

seems l0ng since ii last saw dee&nich alth0ugh we'r in d same IT sch0ol.
n0t t menti0n peiis nd f0ngs.
it's like decades since ii last met them.
ii miss d n0nsensical crap we talk b0ut nd laughg 0ver stupid stuffs, kb0x nd etc.
nd ii hadn't been g0ing 0ut w j0celyn t0os ; sch0ol is d 0nly place.
ii missed l0ads nd l0ads of nice m0vies ii wanna watch tonnes of times ..
ii think iim kinda used t that missing the films ii wanna watch.
d0esn't make a diff ii guess.

n0thing much .. shall p0st th0se overdue pictures

mine eccentric br0

nd that's me ..


w c0usin

mine c0usin nd grandma (:


it's bright but ii like this pic (:

nd again.

it's still me.

Waking up from this nightmare .. How's your life, what's it like there? -- 9:47 PM