Friday, January 05, 2007
ii think that previ0us post w that pic of mine l0ng socks is kinda UGLY.
n0w iim here t update nd change it w a new post.
mine br0 had his r0om painted BLUE ; n0t bad ii'd sae.
at first c0uldn't decide 0n what c0l0ur ii wanted ..
pink ; blue ; orange ; green ; yellow ><`
painted mine r0om PINK.
s0unds v girly but it's not THAT pink laa ..
first week 0f sch0ol ; supp0sedly d0nt have t go t sch0ol on wed nd fri.
wed's lesson are all e-learning .. fri one was cancelled t let us do our pr0js
despite having e-learning, we still have t go back sch0ol for pr0j.
ii didn't g0 back on wed th0ugh ; was feelg v wasted.
wed night was a total disaster.
had t wakie at 7am for class at 9am ..
thurs, which was ydae, SUCKD.
SWEN lab was a total waste of time ; FINANCE was LAME!
stayed sch0ol t do pr0j til 9PM ><`
went h0me, ate nd wanted t sleep for an h0ur or so bfor burning d midnight oil.
but ii c0uldn't sleep nd thus decided t c0ntinue w d0ing mine pr0j ;/
f0und 0ut ii didn't do 0ne part of c0ding for mine part nd HELL, ii had no RAD!
mine report was also half d0ne.
group report 3/4 done ; MAJOR project proposal 1/5 done!
sijie had music test nd had t sleep.
ii c0uldn't think pr0perly due t that lack of sleep.
was so pek chek with all d w0rk ii have nd n0t being able t sleep when ii needed it so.
fuckd care b0uts pr0j nd slept only at 5am.
thanks t hands0me ; acc0mpanyg me on ph0ne t keep me awake till 3.
fri was d deadline f0r handing up of b0th MP pr0posal nd WBAD.
wakie at 1o:3o nd went t sch0ol all shaggd, tryg t c0mplete d c0des nd reports.
was so pek chek w the last min errors nd n0t being able t s0lve it.
thanks t ALVIN ; CHEE YONG ; CHEE KEONG ; LUP PENG that our group had our proj d0ne
uu can see all d lab w pepo rushg their pr0js .. then rushg t hand up bf0r they'r lates
[[ p.s : ii finally saw 白猪 in sch0ol tdaes huh. ]]
ii seriously d0nt like this sem ; TOTALLY STRESS!
ii wanna get l0ads of things ><`
IGEL grey c0ntacts ; SKINFOOD white eyeliner ; LOREAL true-match f0undati0n ; NIVEA facial scrub ; FACESHOP masks ; LOREAL make up remover ; VS 8in1 curler.. MORE!
sh0es / t0ps / sh0rts .. URPS
- SAVE UP! -
bef0re ..
after (: